Night Flight

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Bakugou stayed in your room for a while. He surprised you, in the anime he's hot tempered and loud yet now that you spent time with him alone he was quiet and calm. It was like his intimidating appearance was a facade for something else. He didn't fully relax around you - and you couldn't fully relax around him either. However, you felt far less intimidated by him from then on.

~ ~ ~

You were just about to finally get some sleep now that Bakugou had left - when Akashi's phone dinged.

New message:
Unknown: [Image]



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You frowned. You didn't recognise the place, or the number.

New message:
Unknown: Waiting~

Waiting? So did this person know about your quirk? Are you supposed to just teleport there?

New message:
Unknown: You know I can see you reading the messages, right? Don't ghost me :(((

It felt too risky to just go to some unknown place. On the other hand, it might have been suspicious it you didn't go.

You quickly scuttled around your room to find some suitable shoes and concentrated on the image. It took a few frustrating minutes to fully activate your quirk on the picture.


"Hey, kid. Were you busy or something? You usually don't take that long to get here."
You flinched at the familiar tone. Quickly twisting around, you were met with a fur lined jacket, dirty blonde hair and bright red wings.


It took all of your strength to school your face into a unbothered stare. You noticed your head was throbbing painfully - you must have travelled far.
"Bad timing." You choked out, the pain helpfully distracting you from the shock of the Pro-Hero now standing infront of you.
"Just don't leave me hanging, eh?" He chuckled, it was difficult to see around you in the darkness - only a flickering street lamps taking up the generally deserted area. Hawks shuffled closer, immediately gaining your attention.

"So, the plan. I'm gonna fly you over the base - you teleport on down. There's a mobile building in the south east corner. I'm gonna need you to go in there, alright?"
Hawks now glared down at you, work mode engaged. You had no clue what this base was but nodded in reply, trying to calm your breathing.

Hawks suddenly came even closer, you tensed as he grabbed your left hand, his other hand
beginning to write a series of numbers on your forearm.
"Good. There's gonna be a filing cabinet in there. Look through it and find the file named '08-01-23-11'. Take it, and teleport back to here."
Keigo's grip was gentle, his thumb shifted on the sensitive skin of your inner wrist. You prayed he couldn't feel your elevated heart rate. Was this some sort of mission? Does UA know about this? Are you about to get found out?

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