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It's been long hath my heart knows,
The fluttering thump of its beat,
Neither did the butterflies grow,
Its place in my stomach in every heat.

It's been long since my eyes smiled,
Nor my lips stretched for a while,
Even my cheeks had already settled,
And my mind rested from running a mile.

It's been long hath my breath leaned,
To its sturdy and potent inspiration,
A stranger, it felt to be healed,
A danger, it felt to reminisce.

Will letting go be filled with regrets?
Or will holding on deepen the scars?
Is it wrong to change the path?
Or only a fool would face numerous wars?

The cold, a companion of warmth loss,
Empty, neither happy nor simply cross,
Lost, haven't found the right direction,
Hopeless, desperate of persistent protection.

Words couldn't fathom how deep it was,
How it longed for something it couldn't decipher,
How broken it was like the shattered glass,
At times, though pretentious, in joy, it could never.

Maybe it has just forgotten how it was,
The feelings that were once desirably strong,
Every stand and the passing of battles,
For it has been long, it has been so long.

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Any thoughts?

As promised, I would try my best to be back on track. I hope I can now go on with my fulfilling of promises to my friends here in Wattpad.

To my readers, thank you for your patience. Without you, I wouldn't have the drive to continue my writing journey. ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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