The Last Day At PIC

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"Uhmm?" Noor held in her pace and turned to the voice calling her, with a non-committal look displaying on her face, the substitute.

"Do you know what your name means?" There we go again! She signed, clearly showing how exasperated she's with his intrusion. He just doesn't know when to stop, Noor. "Do you?"

"It means you should mind your business whenever you see me, Sir." Noor replied, empathizing on the 'sir' mockingly. His intrusion was reward with a scornful glare as she start to walk away. While her classmate has already left the corridor, leaving her to deal with the nuisance alone.

"Oh not today, just keep your rudeness aside and tell me." He added. His stare, strong on her, not a bit distracted by his surroundings as his eyes continue to penetrates hers. Noor sighed again, rubbing her palms over her nape. "Tell me, I'm curious to know if you know how big the meaning of your name is."

"When will you learn to overlook what I do with my own life? Does it matter what my name means?" She asked moving much closer to where he stood, and stopped at least three inch away from his face. Her breathe fanning his face. She smells raspberry, he sense, oud and all those scents that are currently driving him nuts. She's too close, he thought moving away. Her brows rouse at his action and she smirk, gathering her box braid from her back to her left shoulder. Mubin briefly close his eyes.

"It does, Noor." He nodded as some sort of confirmation. The non-committal look on her face grows bigger. One thing about her chemistry class this days, is always having to put up with this guy. Why doesn't he leaves first like any another teacher does? They just finished their chemistry class and there he's ready to judge her appearance.

Or maybe, that's not the only issue. His period happens to be the next subject after Islamic studies. And she's the only girl without hijab, Noor knew he have problem with her from the way he have been glaring at her since he entered the class.

"My dad was sure of the meaning when he named me that, so that's enough."

"There's a logic behind 'dress the way you want to be address,' just like name gives hints on one's personality."

"The name doesn't define a person, rather the person defines their name. So Mr Substitute, don't get confused with the general meaning. You will get yourself into trouble if you keep on stopping me halfway like this. You see somehow, someone is always watching. And then one might assume you like me with this much interest. If it's not my hijab, then it's the scarf, and now my name. Come on, the school is big enough for all of us, don't let yourself get distracted by me, okay." She concluded with a fake concern look. Before he could grasp that, she's already shrugged off and left him there, speechless as he try to compose himself.

Bravo Noor, that's good one! She smiled mischievously, mentally giving herself a pat on the shoulder

Mubin facepalmed himself after the walking figure of Noor disappeared from his vision. Maybe she's right, he's too involved with what she does with her life. He's always looking for one thing to the other about her, always pointing out what she does. Even when he try to stop himself, he end up doing exactly that. Why doesn't she respect him? As if that's even the issue there, Noor doesn't care he's there.

Noorur-rahman is the insult to his ego, she looks at him and smirk, he gives orders and she defy. No one has ever manage to make him feel this frustrated. His mind can't even understand why. There's something about her, though. Something that reminds him of his sister. Albeit, they are polar opposite, his sister is sweet and kind. God, Nana is modest, he inwardly scolded. Why's he even comparing the two?

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