Inner Conflicts

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Jamila knew teenagers tend to go against the normal code of conduct of respect, by disobeying their parents and family, pretty much everyone. Though there's always been a limit. What she saw from Noor the other day, she's still yet to comprehend. Although, she knew Hajiya Atika isn't exactly her biological grandmother and that is not even a reason for Noor to disrespect the old lady. Either ways, she's disappointed in her behavior.

Her husband have told her that Hajiya was the one who raised him even though his mother was there. And back then, she also look after Noor for him. So it's hard to get a grasp of her behavior toward everyone. Which made Jamila wonder if her husband will believe her if she told him about Noor's behavior with his mother.

Hajiya Atika is lovely lady, so welcoming of everyone. The woman raised most of her step children, she's kind, Jamila believed so. So it's still stuck in her mind that that wasn't a good enough for a small girl like Noor to appreciate such a kind woman in her life. She might as well exhaust her brain, but Jamila didn't get to wrap her head around what Noor does the other day.

In their five days stay in Zaria, she hasn't seen who Noor has nicely talk with. Neither the uncles nor the aunties, talk less of the cousins. And since there first day there, Noor hasn't went back to the Danja's residence and Jamila was left to explain why Noor hasn't tag along. Even on the day they left, Noorur-rahman hasn't bother to say goodbye to anyone, she stayed in the car not caring one bit about anything, or so did Jamila assumed.

January soon came and school resumed, it's also the month of Noorur-rahman birthday. Jamila have been waiting for that date, for she have made plans for it. That evening Noor returned from school only to found their dinning area decorated with balloons, a huge birthday cake with her name written on it, lays on the dinning table obviously  waiting for her to cut it. Along side it was a huge gift box too. Noor stare at the person possibly behind it. "Happy birthday, Noorur-rahman!" Jamila cheers, excitement all over her face as she walk toward her. Asabe was right behind her, looking nervous with her smile so pointed.

The scowl on Noor's face deepens and she began to glare at her step mother, whom have wholeheartedly prepared that for her, she knew her abbah wouldn't do that.

"Just go about your business, who said I want a birthday cake or gifts from you?" Noor brush fast them to the kitchen and Jamila follow suit.

"Noorur-rahman, I just want us to get along with each other. And be here for you. Maybe we can start it right here, just know that you can always count on me." Noor pulled the fridge's door open and brought out a bottle of water as Jamila continue talking. "I even made your favorite dish. Noor, I can be your mother too, Noor." Jamila's smile was bigger and embedded with hope. She just want to have a complete family and that family can never be complete without Noorur-rahman.

Noor scoffs and pitched between her nose. She's still in her school uniform and from morning till then, she had try not to think it was her birthday. "I don't need you or your capricious care, so for goodness sake, stop! Can't I even drink water peacefully in this house? Stop trying to be my mother!" She yelled the last sentence, furiously throwing a punch at the marble island after throwing the open bottle to the floor which the water splashes around.

Jamila watch as Noor strode out of there, her furiousness was even present in her footsteps as walked away. It comes to her notice that Noorur-rahman might be hurting, somehow the girl was broken mercilessly and she doesn't know how to go about it. She's afraid for her. Somehow, not having her mother around have affected her more than anyone could imagine. As for that day whatever happened was her fault. Her husband had told her that Noor doesn't accept any birthday wishes from anyone, except him. For other than abbah, anyone whoever dares to wish her a happy birthday will be in to be face her wraths.

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