Goodness, Good Heart And Good news

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Nervous and afraid, are the right emotion to describe Isma'il at moment. The question was far beyond him, maybe. He need to think, dealing with Noorur-rahman should never be irrational. You can't just tell anything to someone who's working from a rough path in search of  smooth one. However, there is no such thing as a smooth, every path have potholes on it. No walk is ever easy. Surely, one path will always be better than the rest. The road to the Almighty, The exalted!

"Goodness comes from the heart, Noor. And I believe you have a good heart. Being good is really a choice and every soul have an ounce of goodness in it. We just have to work on being good. Tho before being good to anyone, Noorie. You should first start by being good to your soul." He smiled, touching the side of his heart as if the soul is situated there.

"What good does my soul need?  Is that even a thing?" Her brows furrowed, her lips turned into a pinned line. She's confused.

He chuckle lightly,  yet possessing all the seriousness for guardianship. "Yes, Noor. Every soul need goodness, else it turned dirty and bitter." Noor stares at him accusingly. "Oh, I'm not saying you're bitter or dirty. It's only a point." Isma'il smiled cheekily as if tutoring a three year old the basic needful they should learn at that age.

"What's the food to the soul then?"

"The light of the Graceful!" He added carefully, knowing exactly how he came about it,  and he's she knows too with the way her left eyebrow rose.

"That's the meaning of my name."

"Yes I know, but I'm not saying it because it's the meaning of your name. It's the food to the soul. Well, maybe I brought your name in because I want you to feel connected to what you're about to do.

Noorur-rahman nodded understandingly, as if though she were a child,  curious about learning new things. Isma'il can't believe how attentive she's being. Maybe, something did happened from her trip to make want to be good, change. He thought.

A moment of silent elope them as both their minds wanders to places searching for answers to their unvoiced questions, when all they could do is ask.

Noor runs her mind over series of event that happened, her mind settle one of the things  she fears the most. What if being good makes her weak, is it worth?

As if reading her mind, Isma'il answered her question. "Noorie, being good doesn't mean you will be any less stronger than you're. If anything, you will become more stronger. Nothing defeat a strong person with good soul."

"I didn't asked that!" She rolled her eyes, he's snooping around your thoughts. 

"I guessed you don't have to say it for to know, you're Noorur-rahman after all. And that's why no matter what you do in this life, too good or too bad, people will always have things to say. When you're too obedient people will say you're being oppressed, and when you have your own opinion, you become disrespectful. If you want to be good, be good for the sake of Allah, for that peace you want in your soul."
She knew Isma'il is well educated, but she doesn't know he is wise too. He sounds so creative. 

Her eyes brims with tears, she don't know you if what said that was out of the ordinary, but it kicked her soft spot. Her emotions are messed already. It's only last evening that she got to realized she's never wanted by her birth mother. It hurt and not admitting it won't change the fact.

And Noorur-rahman's greatest infirmity is being rejected. Silence again, only the sound of the telly showing a recap from the previous episode of My heart beat for Lola on telemundo. Andres was going crazy after his salamander's marriage to Apolo.

"I told you already, Isma'il. Not all mothers are good, because my birth mother never wanted me from the start." She laments, perharps trying to justify her spilled tears which she already dried up before they could reach her cheeks. 

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