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Maggie and Max had spent all night the Renegades Headquarters, trying to make sense of what had happened. 

And the hug. 

Maggie's stomach still fluttered every time she though about it. 

Her and Max were sitting on the steps by Max's old quarantine. Well she was sitting. Max was pacing back and forth. The sun had started to rise behind them, telling Maggie they'd almost been there for twelve hours. 

They had hit some points, that Maggie was now obviously able to control metal. And bigger pieces of it at that. But they hadn't known how this new power came about. 

Maggie had one theory that she wouldn't dare share with anyone. 

She believed that Aces helmet wasn't destroyed, and it had somehow found her way to her without her knowing. 

Max rambled on and on comparing different theories, which Maggie had stopped doing about an hour ago.

"Max," Maggie said weakly. He didn't hear her. "Max!" Maggie now shouted.

"What?" Max spat, annoyed. Then he saw Maggie's tired face next to him, and he immediately relaxed. "Oh Maggie I'm sorry. Its been so long since anything interesting happened." 

"I would say this is more terrifying than interesting."

Max sighed and sat down next to her. Maggie stiffened. 

"You must be so tired. Oh I'm sorry," Max said sheepishly. Maggie met his sad gaze and couldn't help but laugh. 

"I'm fine, but you look like hell," She teased, poking Max's shoulder. 

Max swayed a little in response to Maggie's touch. "Do you want to eat or go home or-" 

"Eat, Maggie replied, cutting him off. She couldn't imagine what the caretakers at the orphanage would say with her being gone so long. She could deal with that later. But now, she wanted some pizza. 

Max and Maggie rode the elevator down the the cafeteria. They weren't speaking, but it didn't feel awkward. Not for Maggie at least. She was comfortable in this silence, knowing Max was the only person who knew of her sudden new ability. As the elevator slowed, Maggie braced herself for the outburst of people she was about to face. 

The elevator doors slide open revealing a bustling ground floor. Max looked at her, and she met his eyes. A silent look passed between them that said We can do this. 

They walked out weaving their way through crowds of people. Max had spotted Adrian and his team. Which meant Nova was there. Nova and Maggie weren't particularity fond of each other ever since Maggie had tried to steal Nova's bracelet. It was a mutual feeling, but Maggie couldn't help it. She felt attracted to that bracelet. 

Max waved Adrian down so Adrian and Nova walked over. The girls scowled at each other. "Adrian!" Max said excitedly as he pounded Adrian on the back. "Ow Max, you've gotten strong." Max beamed at that. 

"Maggie," Adrian said,greeting her. She only scowled. Then Maggie felt something buzzing in her pocket. Her bullet was moving frantically about. She gripped it harder, but the hidden bullet pulled her towards Nova. This made Maggie resist more. Maggie stumbled towards Nova, almost bumping into her as she saw Nova's bracelet being pulled towards Maggie bullet. No, Maggie thought, No no no no. Not in front of all these people. Nova's eyes widened as she digested what was happening. 

Once Maggie had fallen forward, it stopped. Her bullet fell still and Nova's arm returned to her side. Adrian and Max looked stunned. Nova too. Max had just suddenly seen Maggie on the floor and rushed towards her. Nova ushered Adrian away. 

No one else in the room seemed to notice. 

Max helped Maggie to her feet and they both looked baffled. 

"I-" Max started.

"No. Closet now." 

Maggie's face was as red as an apple as she rushed towards the nearest coat closet. Max followed behind her. 

They walked into the crammed closet and shut the door behind them. They were squished together. Maggie looked up at Max with terrified eyes with tears threatening to spill. 

"Can I see the bullet?" Max had managed to say, not meeting Maggie's eyes. 

With a shaking hand, Maggie took the silver bullet out of her pocket and handed it to Max. Their fingers brushed together, setting Maggie into a further state of anxiousness. 

Max ran his fingers over it, touching every angle and point. "Do you know what this is made out of?" Max asked

Maggie shook her head no. 

"What about Nova's bracelet? I know you've been practicality fond of that." Maggie met Max's eyes with a sad look on her face. 

"I don't know that either." 

"Well I'm sure I could find out, Nova spends a lot of time at my house." 

Maggie's face brightened. "Can you?" Max nodded his head in agreement. 

A wave of relief washed over Maggie and even though it wasn't much, it was a start. Her hear beat steadied, and neither of them moved for seconds too long. 

After Supernova (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now