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Maggie stood on the entryway to the orphanage, bracing herself. 

She opened the door, and three caretakers greeted her. 

"Where have you been?"

"Who were you with?"

"What have you been doing?"

Maggie pointed at each as she answered, "I was with Max,"Their eyes widened, "Yes that Max. I was at headquarters then his house. I slept over."

All three of them stared at her bewildered.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm not in the greatest mood right now." She pushed past them and climbed the stairs to her room. 

Once on the top floor, she passed rooms full of sleeping children. The little little kids had a care taker sleep with them, and as they got older they were separated by gender. Boys on the right, girls on the left side of the hall. Maggie reached the room that held all the oldest kids at the end of the hallway. The older you got, the more empty the rooms had become. Most got adopted as kids. Maggie's rooms held three other girls, and the boys had five. 

The beds sat against the strip of wall on then left, with Alice, Lyra, and Grace sleeping in them. Maggie slid into her bed next to Lyra's but no before Lyra woke up.

"Who's being so loud- Oh Maggie!" Lyra jumped out her bed and put her arms around Maggie. 

"Maggie we you missed so much! Wait, where have you been?" Her eyes narrowed and Maggie laughed softly. 

"I was with Max. Yes, that Max." A smile found it's way to Maggie's lips as she remembered the past two nights. 

"Now I'm exhausted so goodnight," Maggie turned off the lamp beside her and Lyra returned to her bed, protesting. 

Maggie's head swam with thoughts, questions, ad everything in between. Breakfast had been great, but it was too much. Max made Maggie feel a way she never had before. 

Maggie only slept for ten minutes before she was woken up for morning chores. They had to tidy  their room and the bathrooms before they could go anywhere. 

Once they were done, all the girls got dressed and Maggie headed out for the day. "Be safe! And good luck with Max!" Lyra shouted at her. The other girls shot confused looks at Maggie but she waved them off. "Bye," she said, already heading out the door. 

She didn't have much work to do at headquarters that day, so Maggie went to the artifacts department to do some research. 

She found her way to the back, surrounded by a heap of metal.

Perfect, she thought. 

Maggie was going to practice her new power. 

She focused on little pieces at first, floating them across the room. Then she concentrated her hands on moving bigger pieces until she had moved an abandoned shelf. 

Maggie made various metal pieces swirl around her, laughing. She spun in a circle, arms out stretched taking in the moment. It wasn't long before Maggie found a gleaming piece of metal that seemed out of place.

She slowly walked over to it, hesitant steps. As she approached, she couldn't believe what she saw. Ace's helmet. Her bullet in her pocket started buzzing uncontrollably until it flew out. The bullet attached itself to the helmet. 

With trembling hands, she picked up the helmet. Only by touching it, she felt a newfound power surge through her. She shuddered, amazed at how powerful she felt. 

Then, she placed the helmet on top of her head. Immediately, she saw the glow of various auras around her. Her hands felt invincible,  trembling with power. 

Wonderful, a voice inside her head whispered. 

Maggie screamed, that voice in her head was not hers. The helmet remained on her head.

Do not be frightened, little niece.  For all, I am family. 

The voice was grim, and it sounded like it was smiling. 

Maggie was speechless for another minute before she spoke one word, "Ace?" 

She laid there,surrounded by metal until the pain was too much. She took off the helmet ad cried, just before the door burst open. Max rushed in, finding her laying on the floor. 

"Maggie?" His voice a whisper. He made his way over the pile of metal and sat beside her. 

Tell him, Maggie thought. 

He put his arm around hers and she gave into his touch. 

"I- was just practicing my new power and got tired." Maggie lied.

"Oh, well ok. Do you want to go to the medical wing?"

She shook her head no. 

Everything in Maggie was begging her to tell him, but she remained silent. 

After Supernova (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now