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Here it do be.......

They fell for what could have been only seconds, but what felt like millennia. At some point they stopped falling, but they didn't seem to have hit any sort of floor. Instead, they gradually slowed down to a full stop, were the mages hovered in the air. Their attempts at moving to anywhere else, had no effect. 

Bixlo yelled, mostly out of frustration that he couldn't move, but also with a tint of panic, "What the hell?! Freed, where are we?!" 

The rune mage seemed completely calm, somewhat defeated looking, which was an expression they had never seen on Freed's face. He replied quietly, "This is part of my mother's magic. The Memorium. You might as well give up on moving around, we are all stuck here for now..." 

Laxus growled, though didn't try to move. He gave one last futile attempt, before giving a short huff, and asking, "Well then how are we gonna get out of here?" 

Ever added curiously, "And what exactly IS the 'Memorium'?" 

She looked around their surroundings, which was a blank scene of white and light blue smoke that surrounded them. Freed sighed, "The Memorium...it's...a complicated spell. My mother's family created it, and it's passed down." 

Laxus snorted, "Ok, but what does it do?" 

The rune mage stared upwards at where they had apparently fallen from. "Well...I'll do my best to explain it. I've only seen it in use one time, when I was little."

He took a deep breath, "As far as I know, if you touch that liquid we saw in the room, you and  anyone that is close by or touching you, is immediately transported to one of the person's memories." 

"So basically it's like going to the past?" Ever questioned. 

Freed shook his head, "No, that is the one thing my mother specified about the Memorium. You can only use it to see memories, not to affect anything that happened in them." 

He glanced around, "Which means that we are all going to just be spectors of me, Ever's, Bix's, or Laxus's memories." 

Laxus exhaled quietly, 'Hopefully it isn't my memories...I don't want to see all the dumb stuff I did in the past...all the wrongs I did to our guild...to our team...' 

Behind him, Ever nervously bit her lip a little bit, "Well How long is it going to take for it to start? Because Bixlo's starting to freak out a bit." 

Bixlo, who was a in front of her and to her left a bit, had wide eyes and was still struggling to move, his attempts getting more frantic by the moment. Evergreen reached out a hand and grabbed her teammate's, 

"Calm down Bix. You're going to be fine, ok? Just relax." 

Bix slowly lowered his arms, exhaling a shaky breath. He nodded, his eyes still flitting around their surrounding nervously, as if expecting an attack at any moment. 

"Thanks..." His voice was slightly hoarse, but he still tried for his regular confident smile, which Ever returned.

"Freed, can you activate the spell now?" 

The rune mage nodded, "Got it." He raised his hands, and a single glowing rune appeared between his hands, the rune looked similar to an intricately stylized 'M'. As the rune glowed brighter, it started to dissipate into dust and flew into the smoke that surrounded them. After a moment, the smoke started to swirl, a dizzying mixture of glowing blue, silver, and white. As it started swirling faster, and faster, they could faintly see shapes and a few blurry faces made out of the smoke, before they vanished and were soon replaced with something else.

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