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OOF. I have returned. I am making an attempt at working on chapters a bit more frequently...

So here is a big angsty fluffy random mess! 😃

Laxus's exhaustion and irritation with Bixlo disappeared as he heard a scream from Freed's room. 

The Dragon Slayer immediately stood up and ran to the source of the noise, not looking back to see if Bixlo followed, as he knew he was. 

Laxus slammed the door open, "What is it!? Who did it!?" His furious yelling faded away as he noticed his friend curled into a small ball beside the bed. Laxus slowly walked over and kneeled  down next to the smaller boy, "What's wrong?" 

Freed was shivering, and Laxus could tell that it wasn't from cold. 

The small greenette looked up so his sky blue eyes met Laxus's greyish blue ones. 

He took a shuddering breath, before answering, his voice so quiet, only Laxus's enhanced Dragon Slayer hearing could catch it. "P-please. Please do-don't..." 

"Don't what?" Laxus growled, his voice slightly softer than it would have normally been. Freed squeezed his eyes closed, trying to stop tears from falling down his face. 

After a moment, he finally burst out in tears, "Please don't take me back there!" 

Laxus was silent for a moment, trying to figure out what he meant, "Back to where?" 

Freed buried his head into his knees, "B-back to that pl-place..." He shuddered. 

A cold feeling fell over Laxus as he realized where he meant. "You mean...home?" Freed was sobbing as he nodded his head. 

Laxus was silent for a moment as he tried to figure out his next move, he glanced up and saw Bixlo in the doorway. Bixlo gestured towards Freed before disappearing back outside. 

Laxus sighed as he gave up and decided to simply follow what his instincts told him. He picked up the little boy and held him gently in his arms, trying not to crush him accidently, while attempting to be at least a small source of comfort for his friend. Freed was still for a moment in surprise, before tightly hugging him back. 

They stayed like that for awhile, neither saying a word. It wasn't an awkward sort of silence, more of a comforting silence. 

After awhile Laxus broke the silence and said in the softest tone he had ever used, "They say that you feel better after talking about what is bothering you...if you wanted to....?" 

Freed sniffled and nodded, taking a deep breath. "Y-yes, your right..." He was quiet for a moment, before finally saying, "I-I don't like there...its cold a-and dark. The only things that it reminds me of is pain..." 

He looked up to meet Laxus's eyes and gave a small sad smile, "But being here with you and Mr. Bixlo and Ms. Evergreen is the best thing that's ever happened to me!" 

Laxus gave a rare smile in return, "Well it's good to hear that you can handle the three of us!"

 Freed giggled, "Of course I can, Laxus! Your my friends!" 

Laxus gave a small chuckle, "Well how about we explore town today?" 

Freed's blue eyes lit up, "R-really?! Yes!" Laxus laughed out loud at his friend's eager manner at the idea of simply going to the nearby town. 

He sat up, Freed jumping off the bed, "Well then...you'd better get ready then!" 

The small greenette giggled, "Actually, I already did!" 

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