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Ok, some announcements:

*dEeP iNhALe*

T H A N K   A L L   O F   Y O U.   S O.   F R I G G I N.   M U C H.

Oh and here is some random information from my life that no one asked for 😎:

So a few years ago I found a song and I didn't know who it was by...

Point being, I discovered Taylor Swift today.

Yes, I'm a teenager that had no clue who Taylor Swift was until now. Shhhhh. lol.

Ok, Here's you're chapter, lmao:

 It was around 1: 30 a.m. when Laxus was awoken by a small weight falling on him. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "What the...it's too late for this cra-" He stopped as he recognized the small figure sitting on his bed. 

"Freed? Why are you awake?! It's like....12:00 o'clock or something!" 

Freed nodded, looking away. "I-I had a nightmare..." 

Laxus leaned back on his bed and after a moment rolled over and sighed, "Hurry up. The bed's getting colder." Mini Freed quickly climbed under the blankets with relief. 

He yawned, "Thank you, Mr. Laxus..." Laxus murmured a reply, but was already falling back asleep.

Laxus woke up first that morning. He slowly blinked his eyes open and came face to face with Freed, who seemed to have turned back to his regular age. Laxus realized how close they were and quickly shuffled away. After a minute, he decided to get up before Freed did, and go wait in the kitchen. He slowly got up, trying his best not to disturb his sleeping friend. 

A\N "Friend." ...for now...😏

When he got to the kitchen, Laxus found he was NOT the first one up. Bixlo was in the kitchen already. He looked up as Laxus dragged himself to the coffee maker. Bixlo asked, "Hey you know where Freed is? I went to check on him this morning, but he wasn't there..." 

Laxus blinked at him, still comprehending the words. "Um...he had a nightmare and came to stay in my room. Middle of the night he turned back to his normal age." 

Bixlo nodded, then snorted as he realized. "So he turned back to his normal age?" 


"And he's still in your bed?" 

"Shut up before I make you." 

"Shutting up."

A few minutes later Freed walked into the kitchen, wearing his regular white dress shirt and red coat. He rubbed his forehead and blinked a few times, "Ugh...What happened? Last thing I remember was stopping a potion from hitting Laxus in the guild." 

Laxus and Bixlo shared a look before Bix started to answer his question. "Well you see..."

Awhile later, they had explained the events of the past few days. They didn't ask him any questions directly, but they both obviously wanted answers. Freed sighed, "I-I apologize for any problems m-my past self may have caused." 

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