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Laxus Evergreen and Bixlo had gotten to the room with the Memorium at an almost running pace caused by the anticipation and hopes of being reunited with their lost teammate. 

"Here it is." Bixlo spoke, not pausing to catch his breath, the same going for Laxus and Ever. Laxus stepped forward to open the door but paused. He didn't know why, but it felt as if there was going to be something terrible behind the door. Something from his nightmares. 

Which was ridiculous, he argued with himself, before forcing himself to slowly but surely open the door. 

The room inside was a beautiful disaster.

Silver and blue liquid was splattered across the walls and floor, reflecting the dim light from the room beyond the open door. The bowl that had contained the liquid originally was oddly still intact, looking unchanged by the what looked like an explosion.

The three cautiously entered the room Ever and Bixlo examining their surroundings, while Laxus approached the bowl. 

The bowl seemed to have what looked like glass covering the top, and beyond the glass looked just like the inside of the Memorium that they had seen before, the silver and blue fog seeming to continue endlessly. But as Laxus focused his eyes, he swore he could a tiny figure within the thick fog. As he squinted, trying to see who it was, he managed to catch a tiny bit of red and green.

A picture of Freed flashed in his mind, with his red coat and green hair, and he gasped as he suddenly realized who it was in the Memorium.

'Oh God...they were right...'

                                                                  '...Freed IS trapped in the Memorium...'

'How can I get him out?!"

As questions swirled around his mind like the winds from a tornado, he felt his breathing quicken and his heartbeat doing the same. His dragon slayer heightened eyes managed to focus more due to the adrenaline for a moment, and he saw Freed's face almost clearly for a split second. The rune mage was pale and weak, his breath shallow and fogging the air. Laxus chocked slightly as a thought came to his mind.

'What if I can't save him?'

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