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Hi :)

Never have I been so glad to see the number 13...

So after what happened in last chapter, the memory changed again.

I didn't feel like writing that, sooo...

I apologize for the long wait

The new memory took place in what looked like a dimly lit hospital room. Okami sat beside a desk writing notes, while Freed sat on a chair behind him. Freed looked about five in this memory. Okami didn't look up from his desk as he asked tonelessly, "Any negative side effects yet? Nausea, headache, pain, etc?" 

Freed nodded, "My head hurts." Okami nodded and carried on writing notes. After a few minutes, Freed began to rub his temples and gave a small whimper of pain. 


Okami turned around to face his son with a slight smile, "I know it hurts but trust me, it will be worth every bit of the pain." 

Freed looked up at his father with dim blue eyes and said quietly, "What...what will this do exactly?" 

It was then that the Thunder Legion saw that Freed's eye had a bandage over it. They didn't ask each other about it, as they knew that they didn't know either.

Okami's smile grew wider, "Well. You'll have magic, Freed. Very powerful magic." Freed nodded silently and stared at his feet, which were bare. 

Evergreen gasped quietly as she realized what the man's words meant. "That means Freed was given his magic, not born with it or learned it." Bixlo nodded in confirmation.

No one was surprised when the memory began to change again, as they were now used to it. 

'Are the memories changing quicker, or is it just me?'  Laxus thought as the scenery focused again. 

Evergreen gave a small scream as the scenery swiftly changed and they were suddenly in a burning building, the roaring flames consuming the walls and ceiling around them.

Bixlo quickly grabbed her hand to comfort his startled teammate, who accepted it gladly. Ever sucked in a shuddering breath and said slowly, "That was...sudden."

*Not a ship, ok? Ok. Ever and Bix are just besties :)*

Freed stirred slightly from the noise, but didn't awaken.

Laxus narrowed his eyes, the brightness of the flames hurting his eyes. 

"What the hell...?" He growled, searching for any clue as to where they were. From what they could see, this was obviously not the Himitsu household. 

Suddenly, a figure came running through the flames, dressed in heavy leather clothes that covered their entire body, leaving nothing for the flames to scorch. They held a small bundle to their chest, protecting it from the flames.

They stopped suddenly as one of the ceiling beams gave a loud crack and embers fell the floor. They seemed to take a deep breath before charging forward, just barely making it past the beam as it crashed to the ground behind them. 

Suddenly they tripped over a piece of metal and crashed to the ground. As they collided with the floor, their helmet was knocked off and long black hair spilled down their back. 

As the girl turned around, they could see her face.

"Isn't that Moyasu?! Freed's adopted mom?!"Bixlo exclaimed. Ever nodded, "I think so, she looks a lot younger, maybe in her twenties." "She doesn't have her burn scar at this time." Laxus noted.

Moyasu gritted her teeth and grabbed the helmet. She examined it for a moment before cursing and tossing it aside, as it was broken. She swiftly picked up the small bundle again and ran into the flames. 

The scene glitched, and suddenly they were outside the burning building. A large group of mages, all wearing the same clothes that Moyasu was wearing were busy outside. Some were tending to the wounded, some were using water magic to try and put out the fire, while other teams ran into the building. 

'This is probably the big fire that Freed was talking about...' Ever realized.

A group that was set away from the house was tending to a group of children all covered in ash and soot. The children looked to be around ten to fifteen in age, but it was hard to tell.

The Thunder Legion's attention was drawn to the building again as the front part of it collapsed and a woman's scream filled the night air. 

Bixlo flinched slightly at the sound. "I guess we know how Moyasu got her scar..."

Ever nodded solemnly, "Should we go and see what happened?" Bixlo looked away.

"You two can, but I'd rather not see." They nodded in understanding.

The Thunder Legion had developed a mutual understanding of what could and could not be asked of each other, and what lines that would not crossed for each of them no matter what.

Before Ever and Laxus could head over to the building, a man ran over to the team that was with children and talked with them for a moment. The man gave them the bundle that Moyasu had been carrying. He then sprinted back to the building where medics were shouting to each other, sounding alarmed. As he was running they recognized him as Akumi. 

The woman that Akumi had given the bundle, carefully knelt down and unwrapped it, revealing an eight year old Freed who was unconscious, but luckily he was unhurt. One of the older kids began to help wash off the soot from him.

The scene began to change again, but Laxus knew he had to at least try and get his questions answered. 


The scene froze, and Laxus was surprised to say the least. "That actually worked..." He muttered under breath before continuing. 

"Could we see the memory before this? To see a bit more about what happened?" 

The scene unfroze again and began to swirl again, but it was going the opposite direction he noticed.

But immediately after the colors began to focus, the space around them went pitch black and a voice that sounded somewhat similar to Freed's mother echoed around them. Though the voice had no emotion.

"This memory is unavailable for examination. This could be do to memory loss, be it magic or otherwise, or that the owner of this memory has blocked it away. Would you like to proceed to the next memory, or exit the Memorium? Your answer will be expected in 10, 9, 8-"

Evergreen quickly turned to her teammates, "What are we doing? Are we going to leave or continue in the Memorium?"  



"We will..." 


"...Exit the Memorium."


"...Closing the Memorium in ten seconds."

I will be editing the past chapters soon, so......stay tuned??? IDK.


I never expected this to get 1k, let alone 4k+ reads, and SO MANY VOTES.

I had a lot more ideas for this, but I have decided to narrow it down. So the chapters will continue coming out. Cya next chapter!

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