Chapter 17

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Varian walked into the throne room, looking for Rapunzel.  He wanted to apologize from snapping at her earlier the day before.  He wasn't going to tell her what happened probably, because he just didn't want to talk about it.

"So you see, sir, these are the Silent Strikers," Eugene revealed.

Varian stopped.  Fredric looked surprised from where he sat on the throne.  "They're children...  they're the thief?"

"Wow!"  The little girl with black hair clapped her hands sarcastically.  "Did you figure that out all by yourself, or did you need your ace detectives to figure that out for you?"

Varian snorted with laughter because he was trying to hold it in.  He liked her already.  Came before the king in chains and the first thing out of her mouth just roasted the king!  He better not hurt her.

"But... I can't but children in jail!"  Fredric said.

Varian's laughter suddenly sounded like he was strangling on his own spit.  Fredric suddenly noticed his presence, passing Varian a cold glare.  Varian merely returned the favor.  Eugene cleared his throat, but realizing he just saved an awkward situation.

"So, uh... the kids?"

Fredric walked up to the kids.  "What are your names little ones?"

The girl with black hair answered again.  She nodded her head towards the girl with red hair.  "She doesn't talk, but people usually refer to us as the Business Sisters.  You can call me Nonya."

"Well, Nonya Business-" Fredric paused, realizing what it spelled out.  "Very well, but no one's laughing."

'Sure about that?"  She smirked.

Fredric looked to the side where Eugene, Lance and Varian were standing together doing their best not to burst into laughter.  The king shook his head.  "Eugene, Lance, you both have past experience with theiving."

Eugene cleared his throat.  "Uh, yes sir, we do."

"Perhaps you can take these two under your wings for a few days and see if you can't help them out," Fredric suggested.  "Also maybe get them to return what they took while you're at it."

Eugene gave a nervous chuckle.  "Me and Lance are flattered but uh... we know thieving, not kids..."  Fredric raised a brow.  Eugene continued, "But who would turn their backs in children in need?"

"Great!  You can get started," Fredric smiled.

"Alright," Eugene said before turning around.  "How hard could it be?"  He froze when he saw that the duo were gone.

"I think pretty hard," Lance admitted.

"Woah..." Varian mumbled.

"Take care Varian, and um... don't tell anyone we already lost them," Eugene said urgently before rushing off with Lance.

"Good luck, because you're gonna need it!"  Varian called to them.  He shook his head and returned to his search for Rapunzel.


Rapunzel skipped in her step, holding her art supplies close to her chest.  She was on her way to the guard training grounds, but she stopped before going outside.  She clapped a hand to her mouth and hid behind the door.  She peeked out.  It was wrong to eavesdrop, she knew that, but she just couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Sooooo, uh, you've been working here for a few months now, huh?"  Cassandra asked.

The man she was sitting next to nodded.  "Yeah, the training wasn't as hard core as I thought it would be, but it did teach me some things."

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