wave nightmare?

49 2 216

paige; hello people

wave; *blushing in fox form*

boys; hey girls were back!!

wave; IM NO GIRL

girls; *holding there kids* hey boys finally back i see?

boys; yep we would have been here sooner but we had a emergency....

girls; what type?

boys; it was a poo-*sees the kids and then wave*

shadow; wave.....

sonic; did you do something...

silver; with the girls?

wave; no it was a dar-

boys; *jumps wave*

wave; ahhhhhh

shade; the man deserved it even tho he just has a dare too kiss paige?

wave; HELP ME

boys; *continues too beat wave up* 

aurora; yesh why are all of our parents beating up daddy?

boys; huh?

wave; *passed out with bruises and bleeding*

moon; did you kill my future husband?

shadow; *sweat drops* yes?

shade; and i liked you better then daddy granddad HMPH

shadow; who's kids are these then?

paige; it was a dare all ships meet there future kids what else do you think happened!?

sonic; that wave got ya'll pre-

shade; how could a fox make all of those women have kids in a day?

sonic; missy go play with doll babies or something, what's your name anyway?

shade; shade the hedgewolf why?

sonic; whos your momma we can take you too them alright?

shade; amy you married an idiot.....

sonic; what do you mean?

amy; who does she look like more?

sonic; her mom?

amy; moon and wave

sonic; WHAT

wave; *covers self with tails* 

sonic; *kicks waves snout as hard as possible* thats for make a baby with our wives

aurora; wow sonic i think daddy was knocked out but i think you may have killed him or injured him.......

tails; HOW MANY KIDS DID YOU MAKE *stabs wave*


shadow; what is there too explain he made kids with you guys *kicks waves eye*

wave; *whimpers*

moon; listen one of the dares the other chapters was for all ships too meet future kids.....

paige; yea these 2 girls are yours!!!

sonic; i don't believe you *kicks wave snout harder*

wave; *whimpers and cries*

amy; this 1 is yours sonic!!

cream; and these 2 are yours tails!!!

silver; blaze made kids with his mother.......*throws wave out the house*

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