Chapter 7

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"And that... is how you build a bridge... apparently." Kahli hiccuped.

"And it works?" Antoine asked. "You can... walk over it?"

"With a hundred people."

Sam shook her head. "I wouldn't trust that thing."

Kahli hiccuped again. "Rude."

"Has... people... been on it?" Emily asked. Her brows furrowed as she focused to string her words together.

Kahli shrugged. "I 'unno. Pro'lly."

"Have you been on it?" Antoine asked.

Kahli giggled. "No, way."

"Why not?" Sam asked.

"Well." Kahli paused. "Don't they say that? Don't... use your own products... or something."

"I do get sick of eggs all the time," Emily said with a nod. "'S'like that, right?"

"Yes. I think. Pro'lly." She hiccuped.

Emily put her arm around Kahli. "I think. I think you did... a good job."

Kahli blushed. "Aw, thanks, Em."

"The goodest job."

"You... that's so nice." Kahli leaned against her. "You're so nice."

"Me, too!" Sam said, and she wrapped her arms around them both. "Kahli is my best friend."

"I want a hug, too!" Antoine pushed himself between them and patted Kahli on the head. No one moved, not even when Arlo spoke behind them.

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes," Sam sneered at him over her shoulder. "We're having... a moment."

"Kahli is our best friend," Emily said. "She is doing her best."

"Well, I hate to break up the love fest here," Django said. "But can you finish it up somewhere else? I'd like to go home and go to bed."

Sonia yawned loudly and leaned against the counter. She grinned and shook her head. "I thought you cut them off?"

"They were all just having such a nice time," Django said. "Singing and toasting to nonsense."

"And I thought you hired really bad entertainment," Arlo commented.

"We're free entertainment," Antoine said. "You're welcome."

"Guys," Kahli muttered from beneath their arms. "I can't... breathe."

They quickly parted and Kahli hiccuped. She swayed on her stool. "That was a trip."

"Remington," Django called. "Will you please help escort these lovely ladies home?"

"Never fear," Remington said as he approached them. "Good ol' Remi is here."

"I'm not a lady," Antoine sneered.

Sonia crossed her arms and raised a skeptical brow.

He rolled his eyes and giggled. "Girl. Shut up."

Sonia waved them off. "C'mon, now, scram. Ya'll got work in the morning."

"Fuck," Kahli whispered. "I have to... build an irrigation system." She groaned loudly.

"Le's go," Emily said, getting to her feet and pulling Kahli up with her. "Buddy system, everyone. Me and Kahli and Sam and Antoine." She straightened as best as she could and pointed to Arlo, then Remington. "Who's gonna be our team captain?"

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