Kiribaku (sort of) Angst

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"BAKU-" the yell pierced through the noise, causing everyone to fall silent. Kirishima, the man made of stone,  had collapsed to the ground. Blood spilled profusely from his chest, spreading across the dirty floor of the storage unit. 

Bakugo froze in the middle of his attack, the only partially yelled name still ringing throughout the room. "Kirishima!" he cried, running to his friend and crouching next to him. His eyes met the slowly dimming ones of the person he cared about most, and something in him snapped. Whoever had done this was going to die. He turned slowly, his shoulders set rigidly, no expression on his face. 

"Kaminari, get him out of here," he said coldly to the yellow-haired boy standing nearby. He obliged immediately, picking up the still-bleeding redhead and running out of the building. The villains waited in eerie silence, waiting for the explosion of rage. None came. Bakugo's eyes sparkled with unshed tears, his hands clenched into fists. Cold fury radiated from him. The villain who had done this, Toga, was cowering. Then the first explosion went off. Toga went stumbling backwards into the wall, crying out in fear and pain. Another followed, driving her through the wall and onto the sidewalk outside. Bakugou still wasn't yelling. No noise other than his increasingly frequent explosions. Everyone was still frozen in place, watching. Toga' s blood was splattered everywhere, and he still wouldn't stop. 

Aizawa finally realized how far his student had gone, and glared at the boy. When Bakugou attempted to use his quirk again, he discovered he couldn't. 

"Aizawa…" he growled, turning to his teacher. 

"Enough, Bakugo. She's dead. She can't hurt anyone anymore." 

Bakugo seemed to slump, the tears still threatening to spill over. And then, all at once, the fighting resumed. But Bakugo couldn't fight anymore. He ran, knowing full well that what he was doing was selfish. But he believed wholeheartedly that his classmates could defeat the villains without him. He needed to see Kirishima. He ran full-speed, using his quirk to go faster.

 Kaminari had gotten Kirishima to the hospital, and was waiting outside when Bakugo arrived. "Hey, I knew you would show up eventually," he said. 

"How is he?" Bakugo growled in response. 

"Stable. Awake. Worried…" Kaminari replied. 

"He shouldn't be the one worrying," Bakugo muttered. "Can I see him?"

The other boy nodded. "Just tell the desk lady you're visiting him, she'll let you right in."

And so he did. He went in, and as calmly as he could manage, asked what room Eijiro Kirishima was in.

"Room 420, dear," the old woman replied. 

Bakugo couldn't find it in him to laugh, but he knew Kirishima would once he discovered the number of his room. 

The door creaked open, revealing Kirishima wrapped in bandages and hooked up to a bunch of machines. "Kiri…" he croaked, walking up to his friend.

"Bakubro! You're okay! I was so worried, is everyone else okay?!" Kirishima asked frantically. 

"They're fine… I'm fine… I-" he was unable to finish; the dam broke. He was sobbing, broken, choking cries that rendered him unable to speak. 

"God, Kiri… I was so s-scared, and I- I can't lose you," he managed to choke out. 

"Katsu… I'm okay… c'mere," Kirishima said, lifting the one arm he could to gesture for Bakugo to hug him.

The blonde boy stepped forward and collapsed into Kirishima's arms, still crying softly. "Shhh… I'm okay…"

After he stopped crying, he looked at the redhead, his cheeks beginning to burn as he scrambled to form the words he needed to say.

"I fucking love you, shark boy," he blurted, then cringed. That wasn't exactly what he had wanted to say, but it was good enough. 

Kirishima blushed a deep red, almost as bright as his hair, as he replied, "I love you too, Explosion Boy."

Bakugo smiled, then kissed Kirishima's cheek. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to say that…"

"I think I could guess…"

Then Kirishima pulled Bakugo up by his shirt, kissing him firmly. 

A knock resounded at the door, interrupting them. "Dammit," Bakugo muttered. 


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