Kiribaku Fluff

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“Shitty Hair!” I snapped, already feeling my ears burn. 

“What’s up, Bakugou?” the red headed idiot said with a grin, making my stomach twist. Fucking feelings. I tightened my grip on the stupid letter, trying not to blow it up and say “Screw this.”

Why the hell was I so fucking nervous?! Of course he’s gonna like me back, I’m fucking Katsuki Bakugou! 

Once he approached me, I shoved the letter at his chest, glaring holes into the floor. 

I heard his breath catch. 


“Shut the hell up and read it!” I snarled. My ears and cheeks were on fucking fire. 

My mind flashed back to when I wrote the letter, because it was convenient for Author-chan.


“Round face!” I yelled, glaring at the shorter girl. She squeaked in shock, like a goddamn mouse. So annoying. I stalked toward her and stupid fucking Deku, who were talking together. Why she wasted her time with that useless nerd, I still had no idea.

“W-what do you need, Bakugou?” she asked nervously, eyeing my clearly irritated face. Deku was looking at me like I had two fucking heads. 

“Stop looking at me like that, you damn nerd!” I snapped.

“S-sorry, Kacchan!” he sputtered out, and I rolled my eyes.

“Whatever. Round Face, I need your help,” I scoffed, the words tasting bitter in my mouth. I can’t believe I just fucking said that.

Her eyes might as well have just fucking popped out of her head. 

“W-whaaa-?? What could you need ME for?” she questioned, while Deku looked like he was going to die of shock.

“It’s fucking personal! Can we talk… ALONE?”

“Uhhhh- sure…? I… now?”

“Yes, now! I don’t have all goddamn day!”

“O-okay! Sorry, Deku, see ya later!”

I stalked away, looking back to make sure she was following me. We walked in silence, mine an angry one and hers one of confusion and probably fear.

“So, Bakugou… What did you need me for?” she asked once we reached the entrance to the boys dorms.

“I’ll tell you when we’re in my dorm, I don’t want anyone overhearing,” I mumbled, storming up the stairs as she followed.

Tape Face and Pikachu looked at me weird, but I ignored them and continued ahead. 

I shoved open the door and slammed it behind us once Round Face had gotten in.

We stood in silence for a minute before I snarled out, “Sit.”

She sat on the very edge of my bed, seeming tense and almost afraid. 

“I’m not mad at you, you can stop looking at me like I brought you here to fucking murder you,” I said quietly.

“O-oh, okay…” she sighed, seeming to relax a little. 

“So… mind telling me why you asked me to come here?”

I sighed. I wasn’t good at explaining shit like this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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