Kiribaku Angst!

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“Oh Thank God, You’re Alive…”

Angst with a happy ending-

Blood. There was so much blood. It shone darkly against the stone floor, seeping out from a body Kirishima recognized all too well. The hero suit was the giveaway. 

“Bakugou…” he choked out. The boy’s eyes stared blankly upwards, glassy and emotionless. His normally ash-blonde hair was matted with blood, causing it to look more brown. His mouth was open in a silent scream. 

Kirishima sank to his knees beside his best friend, tears pricking his eyes as he gazed down at Bakugou’s lifeless body. The blood immediately began soaking through his pants, but he couldn’t find it in him to care. He clasped Bakugou’s hand in his and brought it to his face.

“We were supposed to be heroes together, Bakugou… you were gonna be number one… You were gonna be the manliest, most powerful hero this world has ever seen,” he said quietly, his voice breaking at the end. “You promised me that you were gonna beat Midoriya if it was the last thing you did…”

He didn’t respond. Kirishima kissed Bakugou’s hand, the tears spilling over. 

“I never got to tell you… that I loved you. I never meant to keep it a secret for as long as I did, but I was scared to lose you,” he whispered.

A dark chuckle echoed through the cold, empty room, causing Kirishima’s spine to stiffen. He jumped to his feet, dropping Bakugou’s hand, and whirled around to face whoever had done this.

“Wake up.”

Kirishima’s eyes opened, and he gasped as a sharp, bright light hit them.

He groaned in pain, the light making him aware of his searing headache.

“What… where am I?”

A man dressed in all black looked at him calmly before responding, “You were fighting villains and got separated from the others. We’re taking you to a chamber until we gather everyone else and make sure they’re safe.”

Kirishima nodded, his heart aching. He noticed the drying patches of blood on his pants, and he swallowed a sob. It hadn’t been a dream. Bakugou was really gone. He stood slowly, his legs trembling. He ached all over, and he knew he was covered in bruises. His hair flopped down, brushing his shoulders. 

The man in black grabbed his arm and began walking at a quick pace, almost dragging Kirishima along. They walked down a long hallway that vaguely resembled a hospital wing. The floors were white linoleum, the fluorescent lights making everything look sharper. The scent rubbing alcohol stung his nose. The only sounds were their footsteps and Kirishima’s increasingly heavy breathing. 

After a few minutes of eerie, heavy silence, Kirishima heard a faint explosion down the hall.


Kirishima froze, holding his breath. He’d recognize that voice anywhere. But how…?

“I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD IF YOU DON’T GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME I’LL BLOW YOU TO SMITHEREENS, YOU FUCKSTICK!!!!” The yelling increased in volume, and Kirishima could hear footsteps that weren’t his own or the man holding him.

His pace quickened, his eyes desperate and pleading. As they rounded a corner, Kirishima froze. Standing there, his eyes aflame with fury, was Bakugou. His hair was matted with blood, bruises and cuts lacerating almost every inch of exposed skin.

Bakugou seemed to sense another presence, and his gaze flickered from the man holding him in a death grip to Kirishima. His ruby eyes met the dark maroon ones of his best friend, and it was like someone had pressed a release button on Bakugou. All the tension left his shoulders, the grimace being completely wiped from his features.



As if a gunshot had signaled them, they both ripped themselves from the grips of the men holding them and ran toward each other. They met in the middle, crashing into each other full force. Bakugou clung to Kirishima like he was drowning and the redhead was the only thing keeping him afloat. 

“Oh, thank God, you’re alive,” Kirishima breathed, tears cascading down his face and falling onto the top of Bakugou’s head. His fingers wove into Bakugou’s hair, holding the boy’s head against the base of his neck.They looked at each other, and all the words they needed to say were understood in that elongated moment of eye contact. But Kirishima let them tumble out of his mouth anyway.

“I love you… I thought I’d lost you, I was so scared…” he choked out, the horrible… memory? Dream? of finding Bakugou’s body still fresh in his mind.

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Eijiro…” Bakugou whispered huskily, his own eyes filling with unwanted tears as he looked at the boy in front of him. He looked so relieved, but so terrified at the same time.

“I love you too.” He cupped Kirishima’s face in his hands and pressed his lips to the other boy’s with as much force as he could. Kirishima responded quickly, holding Bakugou’s waist to keep them both steady. The taste of salt and blood was on his tongue, but he didn’t care. They only broke away for air, and then one of the other men cleared his throat.

“We need to keep moving. We have to get both of you to the chamber as quickly as possible,” he said, but none of them moved.

Finally Bakugou said, “Fine, fuckfaces, but you don’t need to drag me. I’ve got Eijiro for that.”

He intertwined his fingers with the redhead’s, keeping his grip tight but comforting. Kirishima smiled.

“I love you so much, Katsuki,” he whispered, bringing Bakugou’s hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it.

“I love you more, Ei.”

They were both safe with each other. For now.

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