Chapter Six (private)

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It was about 2 am when Keenon made it home. I was in the living room watching TV when he stumbled in the house, blood covering one side of his face. Immediately I panicked and ran over to him.

"Keenon oh my God what happened?" I yelled as I laid him down on the couch.

"Some bitch nigga kut me with a knife!" He hissed in pain.

I could tell he was getting a little light headed from losing blood so I helped him to the bathroom.

"Here sit down." I told him as I got out my first-aid kit.

Being beaten on a daily basis, I always kept a first-aid kit handy so I could nurse my own wounds. I grabbed a bandage from out the kit and put pressure on his cut.

"Here hold this on the cut and keep it on there for a few minutes. Hopefully it'll stop the bleeding." I washed my hands and put on some latex gloves as I got some alcohol and iodine to clean the wound.

I grabbed a washcloth and ran cold water on it and removed the bandage and pressed the cold compress against Keenon's face. The bleeding did stop finally.

"Okay I'm gonna clean the wound with alcohol first and then iodine. The alcohol is gonna burn but hold still okay?" I told him.

He nodded his head and cursed as I rubbed alcohol along the wound. I blew on it to stop the stinging and then cleaned it with iodine. After letting the iodine sit on the wound for a few minutes, I examined the cut again.

"The cut is pretty deep. You gonna need stitches." I told him.

"Shit! I ain't tryna go to no fukkin' hospital!"

"Don't worry I think I remember how to do stitches. Let me make sure I got everything I need." I checked my first-aid kit and I had everything needed for stitches.

"Let's see how many stitches you need." I ran my fingers along the cut as he groaned in pain.

"Okay I think five will be enough." I got out all of my tools needed and was ready to begin.

"Now this is gonna be very painful but be very still and don't move." I began stitching up the cut under his eye as he cursed and dug his nails into my hips. After 30 minutes, I was done.

"Okay all done." I said removing the latex gloves and washing my hands.

"I got me a nurse." He smirked. I smiled and looked down.

"I wanted to be one. I went to school for it and was about to do my clinicals and everything. Then I dropped out and now it's just a pipe dream." I said, sighing.

"What you mean it's just a pipe dream? You kan still go bak to nursin' school."

"I could but I don't know. It's been so long."

"Naw fukk dat Allure. You just patched a nigga's kut up like a pro and shit. You need to go bak." He convinced me.

"I dropped out when I started dating Romello. He didn't want me to do anything but just sit in the house all day and take his abuse. When I would sneak out and go to class, he would beat me up and rip up my notebooks and textbooks." I frowned, thinking back on those painful memories.

"I think you should try to register for some klasses at a nursin' skool or sum'n."

"I'll think about it."

"Ah shit!" Keenon clenched his teeth in pain.

"Here take this for the pain." I said handing him some prescription Tylenol I had in the first-aid kit.

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