Chapter 12: A Lurking Darkness

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"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed." -Carl Jung

The hours after Legolas had left Arielle were dreadfully dull. In the midst of the many hours she had left until his return she found herself wandering the castle. She brushed her fingers along the stone walls as she explored the palace.

Not much had changed, but the familiarity from this morning had left her and she got lost many times. It felt like this was the first time she was exploringing the palace. And sadly, she felt like a stranger in her own home.

She found her way to a library and with a couple of books in hand, she settled down on a nearby couch and began reading. She usually read for hours on end for she had always enjoyed reading, but today she found herself impatient and uneasy to please. She kept moving from book to book, never giving it a chance and moving on before she was even to the middle.

A pile of books started growing around her until they were to the height of her knees. She sighed and closed yet another book. None of them withheld the answers she was looking for.

What happened to me?

How am I still alive?

She rubbed the part of her back were the blade was driven through her. Unfortunetly, that was the only memory that she had from that night.

She remember the pain, sharp and sudden.

She always seemed to feel it everytime she thought of that night but she supposed it was just her imagination.

She relaxed into the chair as her eyes became very heavy, and soon she was fast asleep. She was in a deep sleepless dream for quite a while until she had her first dream.

She was laying where the Orc had left her; cold and crumpled on the ground. Fortunately she was able to look up at the sky above her and marvel at the beauty of the moon's light falling upon her. She was thankful for the light, it make her feel less alone. She was thankful for the last moment of comfort.

She kept her eyes on the moon, she wanted it to be the last thing she saw as she left the world. Everyone she loved crossed her mind, not wanting to leave them.

As she struggled for breath and thought about seeing her father, someone came into view. Blurry to her fading vision.

She woke with a start as a chill ran down her spine. She rubbed her arms suddenly becoming a bit colder, as if the room had dropped its temperature.

That did not feel like a dream to her.

She placed the book in her lap next to the other discarded novels and decided she was done reading. She looked up from the sad pile of books surprised at what she saw. A glimpse of the tail end of a cloak whipping around the corner, following it's owner who seemed to be in a hurry.

Leaving reason and logic behind her- something that seemed to become a habit in curious situations- she followed.

She was never able to see who she followed, the disappearing figure seemed to pick up speed after she started her pursuit; which caused her to be even more curious. So she kept following the last glimpse of the cloak being whipped around each corner as the one pursued turned. He kept going and going, never ceasing in his speed until.... he was gone.

When Arielle turned the last corner the mystery person was in no sight; but a door was left ajar. The room was dark, not so much as a room lacking sun light, but like an evil was sucking the very light out of the room. She could've sworn she heard a voice in the wind, a rasping and eerie voice that only caused her to shiver once again.

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