Chapter 13: Return To Me

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"You have punished me long enough, you have punished yourself long enough. Return to me. I beg." -Melissa De La Cruz

Tauriel's words rang through Legolas's mind as the morning watch slowly made its way back to the elven gates of his beloved kingdom of Mirkwood.

On the quiet walk home, he found himself glancing down at the ribbon tied to his bow. He often found himself smiling because it brought back the memory of that morning, and he couldn't help but quietly chuckle as he remembered her drenching him in water a few hours ago. Many of his fellow guards gave him a bewildered glance because of his sudden change in mood; but Legolas paid them no attention to their glances and he had no interest in their thoughts because, in that moment, he was too consumed by his own.

He kept thinking back to how nice it felt to hold her in his arms and how beautiful her triumphant smile was as her eyes gleamed with laughter. He was disappointed that he had to leave her for the watch, but even in an unsuspected circumstance, such as Arielle appearing after several years of being thought dead, he still had an obligation and a duty to fulfill for his kingdom. But still as she called his name one last time he wished with all of his heart that he could do away with the responsibility for just a moment so he could spend it with her.

He remembered her hair tumbling toward her shoulders as she released the golden threads from its bonds of ribbon and allowed it to frame her face. He couldn't help but silently marvel at its brilliance, and how it shone in the sunlight, making her seem as though she had a glowing aura. His eyes never left her as she tied her ribbon around his bow with care. She didn't say a word, and neither did he, but it was not needed. The gesture and the gaze they shared clearly said, "Return to me."

This small, yet huge, act caused the smile to never fade from Legolas's lips and it was hard to keep his thought from wondering back to her. But finally he was standing in front of the gates and he would soon be in her intoxicating presence once again.

His smile grew as he saw the back of her shimmering hair amongst all the people gathered. Her name was on his tongue, ready to be shouted out to capture her attention and to be met with her smile and shimmering eyes once again. But his smile faded and her name on his tongue falter to a low whisper.

Legolas felt his whole body tense up as he saw Arielle accompanied by an ellon. He seemed vaguely familiar, but with so many questions and emotions swirling inside of him, he wasn't able to remember. The ellon took her hand that rested on his forearm, and after a few words, gently laid a kiss upon it. A new and strange feeling overwhelmed Legolas as he noticed that his lips lingered on her hand longer than appropriate, and that the ellon's eyes never left hers. Legolas glared as he watched the ellon take his leave and walk away from Arielle, and he couldn't help the stinging pain he felt as he watched her eyes never leave his retreating figure.

Legolas tried to regain his composure as he made his way to her and stood just inches away from her.

"Who was that?" He couldn't help the slight tone of dislike in his question.

Arielle turned around and at first her eyes seemed to be glazed with confusion, but the feelings that the ellon had caused him left as her eyes quickly widened out of joy of seeing him again.

"Legolas!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and embraced him. Legolas returned the hug, but couldn't help his slight discomfort about the situation earlier. Arielle pulled back and met his eyes in a questioning gaze.

"Who were you talking to earlier?" Although his newfound jealousy was slowly disappearing, he couldn't help but wonder.

Arielle's cheek's flashed pink for a moment, and he wonder if she was thinking of the lingering kiss or if something else had happened while he was away.

" Oh, that was just Cyron."

Legolas knit his eyebrows together in thought, the name sounded familiar. He glanced down at Arielle to ask her more about this ellon when he noticed that she was glancing down at her feet deep in thought. Something was troubling her, that was clear, and Legolas felt immediately guilty because he thought it was his fault for causing her discomfort with his strange mood.

So, in hopes of cheering her up, he said with a small smile, " Well, why don't we go off and start answering all those unanswered questions you have."

Arielle smiled up at him, but then frowned soon after and quickly shook her head, " I'm sad to say that will have to wait," She paused, almost as if thinking of an excuse. "I have to freshen up before dinner."

"Oh" Legolas said as his spirits dropped, " Well then at least let me accompany you to your chambers.

"That's alright." Arielle quickly said, "I can make it there just fine on my own."

Legolas's heart sank and all he could do was murmur a, " As you wish." Before she turns away with an apologetic smile and leaves him with his heart aching and questions swirling around in his mind.

Sorry for the short chapter but I had to give you something since you were all so patient with me!

Summer is almost here so expect more frequent updates :)

As always Comment and Vote! Oh and follow Woodland.sprite on instagram for edits like on the side!

P.S. Feel free to comment What you wish to happen, or fear whats gonna happen or anything at all! I love comments because I love interacting with you and hearing what you have to say :)

qotd: Actions speak louder than words... what do you think Arielle's actions are saying and what is she going to do? hmmm...

Lots of Love,


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