Chapter 4: The Unattractiveness of Lying

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I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn't trade it for the world. You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful."

-John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Arielle left Ray smiling by the hearth and made as much distance from the little hovel as quickly as she could. The ring on her finger shined brighter and brighter with every step she took and she knew that it was Legolas searching for her. When the light had become too bright to look upon, she decided to climb a tree and patiently waited for the prince to cross her path.

Arielle allowed her legs to swing back and forth while she watched the sun sink lower in the sky. She was absored in the radience of the colors surrounding her when the familliar sound of careful footsteps met her ears. She covered her hand over the blinding light of her ring and watched Legolas emerge out of the trees. He glanced at his ring for only a moment before he furrowed his brow and slowly looked around him for any sight of his companion.

Arielle was a bit shocked by the growing crease of concern in Legolas's brow. But what perplexed her was the rapid beating of his heart, which she could hear because she was blessed with such keeness of hearing. She spotted a slight shake to his hands as he held his bow and his arrow losely knotched, ready for any potential threat. By these rare actions, Arielle quickly deduced that Legolas was worried. Verry worried actually.

Almost to the point of delirium.

Her head soon filled with all the terrible things that could have happed while she was gone and soon her heart was fluttering to the same speed of the prince -who was still unaware of her presence.

" You forgot to look up." Arielle said calmly for she knew not to startle him, especially when he had a bow in hand.

Nonetheless Legolas jumped, but Arielle was sure that if she mentioned it to anyone else, he would have most likely denied that he was caught off guard.

" If I was an enemy you would have been dead already, you know that right?"

" I knew you were there." Legolas tried to defend himself.

"Lying isn't an attractive trait, Legolas."

Arielle swiftly jumped down and her eyes met the princes, but only for a moment before Legolas was embracing her to the point where it was hard to breathe.

Legolas pulled back and air was able to journey back into her lungs.

" Are you alright?!" Legolas asked as his eyes frantically searched for any signs of injuries.

Arielle couln't help but laugh lightly, " I'm quite fine Legolas, really I am."

" Are you sure you are mentally?"

Arielle found his questioning odd. " Of course. Why do you ask?"

" I was just concerned, you know," Legolas began, " Being that no elleth in their right mind would walk off into the forest alone, almost cross the Greenwood boarders, and stay out 'til dusk! What were you thinking?"

Arielle found Legolas's explosion quite amusing, but she was strong enough to keep a straight face. Legolas on the other hand, glared at Arielle and waited for an explanation.

"I just wanted to take a stroll through the forest." Arielle said and counted the minutes until he exploded again.

" A STROLL? This forest isn't as peacful as it once was Ari, you could have been killed!"

"Well my presence wouldn't be missed anyway." Anger was bubbling inside of Arielle and she could not control her words.

" What's that suppose to mean?" Legolas growled. He was bewildered that she would even say such a thing, when just moments ago he was almost at the breaking point when he thought he had lost her. Arielle's face remained hard and her stubborn mind blockaded her from realizing this.

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