Chapter Six: Letting Go

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I'm dedication this chapter to my grandma who passed last week. She supported me in everything I did, no matter how crazy. She taught me to look at everything as a blessing and to not believe in the words, ' I can't '

Thank you for blessing me with your life, and being my inspiration.

Until we see each other again <3

"No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear."

-C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed


That was all that she could feel, see and hear. She was floating in a murky void of complete nothingness. Her body was completely numb to her, as if she was detached from it completely, and she felt so tired. Oh how tired she was! She could let the darkness consume her completely and rest.

But no, that wasn't right. She didn't know what would happen if she allowed herself to lose the little control she had left. Instead of giving in, she started wading through the mirk of her though. It was a long and slow process and the tug of the spell of slumper was growing ever more present.

From the time that she had awoken from her slumber and into this dark prison, she felt a tight pain inside her chest. For some reason she knew that it was worse than any injury by blade because it never left and was constantly pulsing with pain.

She searched for a word that would help her decide what had caused it, but her innability to think clearly put her at a great disadvantage. At first she thought it might have been 'Fear', but then she realized that fear never hurt in this way before.


She finally decided. The word scared her when it had become present in her thoughts. Who was she grieving for? She tried to sort through memories and faces appeared before her, but they were so blurred and distant that she could not reach them. If Arielle had control of her body, she would have yelled out in frustration.

But then, something in her mind was coming into view. A a name. Anticipation subsided the pain in her chest as she tried her hardest to clear away the mist that eclipsed the name. She could feel that it was close, but it was also starting to fade and Arielle knew that she wouldn't be able to unmask it.


She heard it clearly, as if someone had spoken it. The voice brought her great comfort and filled her body with such warmh that it was recovering it from it's numbness. She felt as if she was finally in her body and in control. She tried to keep the sound of the voice that had spoken for it gave her strength. But then suddenly, everything stopped, and she woke.

The light was a bit harsh to her awakening eyes, so much so that she had to blink a couple of time befroe she could completely open. Colors mixed together until her eyes were able to focus in on her Mother's smiling face. She was dressed in a nightgown and had a lazy look that most people wear when they just wake up.

" Good morning, Arielle."

A strange wave of love blossemed in her chest upon seeing her Mother, and although her muscle were very stiff, she immediately embraced her. Her Mother's laughter rang through the air and filled a hallow place in Arielle's heart that she didn't know was there.

"Why, wouldn't this be nice if everytime I wake you up this early you would repond in this way." Her mother said as Arielle pulled back and let her mother stroke her golden hair.

Arielle drank up the image of her mother before her. She followed the curves of her mother's hair with her eyes, and admired the way the sunlight hit her locks which made it shine like gold. She loved her eyes the best, grey and full of love for her daughter.

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