Chapter 2: Crimson Cheeks and Enchanted Rings

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"But the thing about remembering is that you don't forget." -Tom O'Brien, The Things They Carried

Arielle ran through the forest jumping over branches and stones as her laughter echoed theroughout the forest. Thranduil and Emerelda had given their children the day to themselves so that they would not have to hear their complaints from morning 'til dusk.

Arielle's feet quickly carried her to the one place she knew she would find her companion.

The lake had been Legolas and Arielle's favorite hideout for many years and they usually spent as much time as they could there. Arielle came to a stop when she reached the clearing, breathing heavy and smiled when she saw her friend standing at the edge of the lake. But her smile slowly faded when she noticed his slumped shoulders.

He was throwing pebbles unhappily into the river and she couldn't help but flinch when she heard the stone hit the water with a 'ker plop!" .

She walked up so that she was beside him, but he didn't acknowledge her presence, he just continued throwing the stones that were left in his hands. " If your trying to skip them you're doing it all wrong." Arielle said jokingly.

Legolas sighed and looked up at her and she easily saw the frustration in his eyes, they had grown so close that they both could read each other's too eyes well. She sat down and patted the ground next her.

When he was sitting beside her she looked out to the lake and asked, " What's bothering you?"

" My Ada told me I have to marry."

" Now?!" Arielle asked completely shocked, she knew the king was wise and would never allow his son to wed at such a young age.

"No, but eventually."

"You did not know this?" Arielle asked, she was relieved and almost laughing.

"I had never thought of it." He mumbled. Legolas looked down at his feet and frowned. Arielle knew that look all too well, he usually did this when he was absorbed in his thoughts.

" Marriage isn't too bad." She said trying to bring him out of his thoughts and brighten up the mood. Arielle had often daydreamed with the other elleths about the day she would be wed; but when it can to the name of the Ellon she imagined she blush furiously and not dare to say his name.

" Maybe not in your eyes."

" Well why don't you like it?" Arielle asked, now getting annoyed with Legolas's negative attitude.

" All elleths are petty and I do not wish to be bound with one forever."

Arielle's anger rose and took offense to his words. She turned her head away from him and glared at a tree not far off.

Legolas glanced over at her and noticed her clenched jaw and realized the effect of his words.

" I didn't mean that about you Arielle, I'm sorry." He said softly.

She continued to glare at the tree.

" I mean you're not bad for an elleth." Legolas grimaced as soon as the words left his mouth. Arielle stood up quickly and started walking away.

" wait I didn't mean that!" Legolas said as he ran after her and grabbed her wrist.

"What I meant... well I.." Legolas trailed off and Arielle crossed her arms and looked away from the tongue-tied prince.

" Your the only one I wouldn't mind marrying." He said it so quietly he wasn't even sure if she heard, but she did. Her hands fell back to her sides and she looked back up at the prince with wide eyes. Legolas's cheeks burned and he looked down at his feet not able to look back into her everchanging eyes.

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