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 Lilly’s POV

Grace was a wreck. Mamrie and I were barely keeping it together. Hannah’s condition was still unknown to us. It had been three days since the party. We had not seen Hannah in those three days, and Grace had not spoken a word to anyone, and hadn’t made a sound. Mamrie and I tried to make conversation with her but she wasn’t having any of it. And then the news. I had conflicted emotions about the news. I was glad that Grace didn’t hear it, but pissed off and angry, and god darn pissed off. The doctors were considering moving Hannah away. They wouldn’t tell us how she was but they wanted to move her into a new facility? Mamrie was at the hospital furiously protesting that Hannah stay here, and I think that she was winning. No one can stay opposed to Mamrie Hart for long. She will beat the shit out of you. The best thing about our current situation, if it is possible to have a best in this, but this is the only thing that I had to look forward too, was spending time with Grace and Mamrie. They were both sad, but Mamrie was holding strong in front of Grace. But later that night Mamrie lost it. She was a mess. We had just got back from the hospital, we had still not been able to see Hannah, and we had tucked Grace back into bed Mamrie just broke down. She just sat down and cried, “Why does this always happen to Hannah?” She finally managed to get out, “She went through depression in high school, then her parents disowned her when they found out she was gay, and now this. She doesn’t deserve any of it she is one of the most humble and sweet people ever, it’s just not fair.” She sobbed. I gasped when I heard this, I had no idea about all of the things that had happened to Hannah I was suddenly amazed at how strong Hannah was, but I was so mad about all the things that had happened. I was suddenly full of rage. I am normally a positive person but I was so full of rage. I helped Mamrie get to her room and I was left alone in the living room of Grace’s house, I paced across the floor I stopped right at the spot where Hannah had fallen, and I broke down. I cried myself to sleep that night, it wasn’t fair. Hannah was a good person, she needed justice. I fell asleep to the sound of the rain, cursing at the fates. Someone was going to pay.

 Mamries POV

 I woke up in sweats. I had dreamed that I was in the hospital, I was waiting for any news about Hannah, I was approached by a doctor who seemed vaguely familiar, and I heard the words no friend should never hear “Hannah passed away an hour ago.” The familiar doctor said to me, as the doctor morphed into Rebecca who started laughing hysterically, as I fell to the floor sobbing. My mind was pictures of Grace, Lilly and I crying at Hannah’s funeral, and moving away, shutting down MDK. And that was all I could see, until I was pulled back into reality by the shrill ring of the phone. The number on the screen is one that I have only seen once before, it is the hospitals number. I answer the phone with a shanking voice, and almost drop my phone when I hear what the nurse has to say. I jump out of bed, get dressed and head straight down stairs to get Lilly and Grace.

 Graces POV

I was shaken awake by a shocked looking Mamrie. “We need to go to the hospital NOW” she said calmly, “It’ Hannah.” And at those words, I jumped out of bed and ran to the car. I was waiting in the car for five minutes until Lilly and Mamrie were outside, I was about to chastise them but mamrie handed me a cup of coffee and I was instantly shut up. We pulled into the hospital carpark 20 minutes later, and we walked straight into the hospital and up to Hannah’s room. I was expecting to see a doctor placing a sheet over her head, but instead I saw Hannah

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