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Graces POV

Hannah had fallen asleep sobbing. She had been keeping in so many emotions that the fiasco with our wedding rings had just pushed her over the edge. I pried myself out from beside her, being careful not to wake her up, and walked over to the abandoned pancakes and coffee, and scoffed the lot, I was hungry. I looked over to where Hannah was sleeping, and decided to do something to cheer her up, and walked into the other room to call Mamrie. I discussed my plan with Mamrie and Lilly, who were both on board with the plan and then after hanging up, I started to draft some emails.

Two hours later I had sent the last email. I was so proud of myself, and I needed caffeine. I walked into the lounge and saw that Hannah was still asleep, and her laptop was at her desk open, so I decided to go on Tumblr and YouTube whilst I had my coffee. The first thing I saw was the most popular tag of the moment #IsHannahMarried and there were so many posts with screenshots of Hannah's hand, and there were many theories, and almost all of them were Hartbig, but there were a few Hartsquared. I laughed at these theories and look around the house and decided to do some of the washing, god I was feeling domestic today. After about an hour and a half of cleaning, I finally sat down with more caffeine and decided to film a video, forgetting what was going on around me. The new video was taking about the way that Tumblr was very good at coming up with crazy theories, and a somewhat stream of consciousness vlog. Hannah was still asleep when I finished uploading the video, so I decided to pick her up and carry her through to the bedroom bridal style, because god knows I would have dropped her otherwise. I was careful when lying her down, she was still so light and bruised, and was now prone to nightmares. We both were, but hers were more horrific than I could even imagine. She stirred slightly as I placed her down, and she moved into the fetal position, and as I saw the look on her face I realised what was happening, and instantly tried to wake Hannah up, but nothing I was doing seemed to work, and as she screamed out, so did I as I felt so useless again, so I just held her and sobbed.
Two updated in under an hour! Yeah!!

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