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Graces POV

Hannah looked like she was dead. There were no machines surrounding her, not even the heart monitor, so naturally I assumed the worst. Hannah was gone. I looked over to Mamrie and Lilly who were both equally as shocked as I was, but they were much better at masking it than I was. I broke down sobbing almost immediately, and looked over at Hannah. She looked like a tiny little broken doll, and when I saw the beautiful golden band on her finger, I dropped into the chair next to her and began sobbing even harder, if that was even possible. Mamrie and Lilly came and stood behind me, looking at both me and Hannah, but as looked down at Hannah’s tiny frame, I picked up her hand and to my amazement, I felt a pulse.

Lilly’s POV

I apprehensively walked in with Grace and Mamrie, Grace in the front and Mamrie behind me, and we walked straight up to Hannah’s room. As we approached the room, Grace muttered something along the lines of “Get Ready,” to herself, and I assumed that she was assuming that the worst case scenario had happed, and she was assuming that Hannah has died. As we got to the doorway Grace suddenly froze, causing Mamrie and I to bump into her, as I looked around her I could see why she had frozen still. She had seen Hannah, and Hannah was asleep, but not hooked up to anything. Grace moved quickly over to Hannah, looking at Mamrie and myself as she broke down. She took Hannah’s hand after she had fallen into the big plastic chair, and we stood behind her. But after a second of holding Hannah’s hand she looked up at Mamrie and I. “She has a pulse.” She stared blankly at the wall for a few seconds, as we all processed what she had just said, before jumping into mine and Mamries arms, still sobbing, but whispering, “She’s alive!” at the same time.

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