Carrot Onesie

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Not much violence in this chapter, but it will definetly get much worse. I have writers block at the moment so this is not very good.


Grace’s POV

We had just landed in Colorado and my phone rang, I rummaged through my monster of a purse and almost dropped my phone when I saw the caller ID “MAMRIE, ITS HANNAH!!” I screamed, and the red-head looked at me, “ANSWER IT GRACE!” Mamrie yelled back. “Hannah?” I said as I cautiously answered the phone. “Grace?” her sweet, sweet voice replied “You need to find me, help me grace!” she pleaded, the desperation in her voice made it hard for me to believe that this was my strong, sweet Hannah, who was always so full of optimism, she just sounded so broken, so scared. “Where are you Hannah?” I asked, “What has she done?” I asked these questions almost expecting Hannah not to be able to answer. “I’m in a warehouse, it looks so familiar though, like I have been here a million times, but I just can’t remember…. Grace she has medical stuff and a whole pile of things that I am not going to say, because you will have a panic attack,” She said, brokenly “but I can’t move at all, all she has done so far is pinned me down, but I don’t think I want to be here for what else she has planned.” Hannah finished, before I heard her try and hold back the sobs as I broke down completely. Mamrie took the phone off me and walked to the other side of the hotel room, but I couldn’t hear her, as her face suddenly became one of pure venom as she put the phone on speaker. “Hey Mametown, Smellbig” Rebecca sneered, “I bet your wondering what is going to happen to your precious Harto, but I assure you, you won’t get here in time to save her.” She sneered and as I was about to protest, she spoke up again, “You know, Hannah hasn’t said anything has she, because you know that if she had I would have to kill her you realise.” She said matter-of-factly, as I heard Hannah speak up “Carrot Onesie” was all she said, as this was followed by an ear piercing scream, Hannah’s scream. And the phone went dead. Mamrie looked like she could murder. She sat down as tears streamed down her face, but all I could think about was what Hannah had said. Carrot onesie, was it a clue? I spent the next three minutes thinking about it, and suddenly it hit me. We filmed carrot onesie in a warehouse. In Colorado. I walked over to Mamrie and shook her out of her trance. And her face lit up when I next spoke. “I know where she is.”


Writers block AGAIN but i will try and write the next chapter tonight 

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