Chapter 10

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ABUSE WARNING!!!!! (Later on)

I changed my appearance to look like a young girl with strawberry coloured hair, I started walking towards the house I was living in that was in the woods, then I realised that Nezu had put cameras around the house so they could see what I was doing or if anyone came in. I walked around the city for a few hours when someone called out to me "MA'AM" I turned around to see hawks "Yes? what can I do for you?" he was out of breath "Its dangerous to be out here at this time, also have you seen a young boy with green hair wearing a hospital gown?" I pretended to act shocked "Omg, is the boy ok? did he run away? and I'm fine, my house is just around the corner" I lied "hopefully the boy is fine, yes he did run away. Just make sure you get home safely" I smiled and walked away.

I turned around a corner and started to run as soon as I was out of sight "Shit why is he still looking for me" I spotted an abandoned apartment building up ahead so I started running faster "this quirk is going to wear off soon.." I got into the apartment building and went into a random room.

suddenly my quirk deactivated "God that was a lot of cardio" i said while puffing "Izuku Midorya! are you here??" I opened the door a little to see someone walking around, 'I wonder who he is' I kept the door open a little bit so I could see "Im a police officer! we just want to take you back to the hospital!" I closed the door and looked around for a window 'Bingo' it was a small window but I could probably fit.

I went up to the window and opened it hoping it wouldn't make any noise, once it opened up I put my foot outside starting to leave the building "If your here answer me!" the police officer was walking up the stairs getting closer to the room I was in. I started rushing myself to get out of the building "I can hear you, now come here or i'll force you to come back to the hospital!" i finally got out of the building.

I activated my angel quirk and flew as fast as I could towards the closest forest "Why can't they just give up" my wings started to feel heavy and weak "What the hell?" I turned around and saw someone with purple light coming out of their hand, I deactivated my quirk and started running towards the forest.

I finally got into the forest but just as I was about to continue running I felt a electrifying sensation in my back, than everything went dark.

--Few hours later-- 

I felt someone touching my arm as I woke up, as soon as I was awake I flinched from the hands on me "STOP" the touching didn't stop "please..." my eyes started watering "I think he's scared..." I heard voices but that didn't stop me from crying. I had an eye mask on so I couldn't see anything "I have to do this, His orders" I started whispering 'Stop' 'please'  over and over again then I accidentally said "Please" once that came out the touching stopped "Sorry." I heard foot steps come closer and get further away; when the person started coming closer I got flash backs.

[F] [l] [a] [s] [h] [B] [a] [c] [k]

"Bye Kacchan!!" I waved at my best-friend running towards my fathers car "Bye Zuzu!!" he waved back at me.

I got into papa's car "Bout time" he drove off as I was putting my seat belt on "We have somewhere to go" we got to the place and I waited in the car for papa to let me out. 

he opened the door for me and dragged me into the house


someone came out and opened the door. it seemed like two young man and my father were talking together.

"Papa..?" I walked up to him trying to get his attention, but he ignored me "Papa?" he turned around looking mad and hit me hard across the cheek making me fly across the room "Brat" I opened my eyes seeing him still talking to the people.

"So how much?" I could only hear a little bit "$1,000" I was trying not to cry "Thats pretty cheep, but if that's what it costs then here" one of the men handed over $1,000 "Let me get him into shape for you" both of the men sat on the lounge and watched me, I was confused.

My dad walked over to me so out of instinct I back away "Don't you move anymore or it'll get worse" I stopped dead in my tracks "This'll be fun" he cracked his knuckles and picked my up off the ground from my collar "I don't want this getting bloody" he took of my shirt and threw me on the floor "Here you go boys, you can have this for now" he threw my shirt toward the two men sitting on the lounge.

Then he reached into his pocket and grabbed out a pocket knife, I was about to scream but he put his hand over my mouth "Scream and ill make sure to cut off your tung" he put the pocket knife on my cheek "now lets have some fun" he ran the sharp side of the blade down my cheek, then skipping my neck, putting it onto my chest sliding its down my chest almost making me scream "Hey lets make this more interesting" he stopped "How?" the two men looked at each other then stood up "Lets go into a sound proof room" my father smiled

"You have a sound proof room?" he said In joy "yes, now lets go" father grabbed me on the wrist and dragged me on the floor and up the stairs into a room "Now lets start" before he started to cut me I thought he was going to cover my mouth so I didn't scream "You can scream all you want" I opened my eyes to see where I was and what was happening "You have a lot of toys" I looked around seeing weird shaped objects hanging on the walls.

I was distracted so I didn't realised that father had started to cut me again "AHHHHHH!!" I started screaming while he had two blades in his hands and was cutting down both my legs "That good enough for you two?" I had tears running down my cheek "How about some burns?" I opened my eyes widely about to yell out 'No' but I was to late and my father had already started using his quirk and started to burn my body "PLEASE AHHH STOP AHH!!!!" I was yelling in-between my words.

"I think that its out turn" but I had blacked out

[P] [r] [e] [s] [e] [n] [t]

"LEAVE ME ALONE" I yelled not realising where I was at the time 'Calm down your not there' I started breathing but it was shaky "Sorry..." I mumbled under my voice "Take the mask off him" I felt the mask slowly sliding down my face, I opened my eyes to see an empty room with people around me "Where-" I was interrupted "Your At UA" I looked around the room meeting eyes with Aizawa "why.." I could tell that Aizawa was going to answer "Because you ran away from the hospital" I released my gaze from his eyes "I can't...." my breath was still shaky so I was trying to fix it "You can't what?" I looked at the floor "I-i ca-cant be in a-a Hospital...." I heard foot steps from the left of me walking closer, I didn't remove my eyes from the floor "Can you tell me..?" I looked over my shoulder to see Aizawa.

"Why, should I trust you..." he looked at the chair I was on and sighed "I know you don't trust me, and if you don't want to don't tell me. But you will be living with me and mic, and we will treat you like one of our own. Just please when we get home tell me what you don't want us to do at first and what you're scared we will do to you ok?" I nodded my head "Ok well lets get out of here and go home.

Sorry Guys for not updating for ages, school has been really rough for me right now. I was away for something so I was out of town so I couldn't do any school work, and now im a week behind and most of the assignments and exams are coming up so im stressing out but thank you to the person who asked if I stoped updating because this calmed me down a lot; I am hoping that ill be able to post more during this or next week but even if I can't I will post another chapter eventually im just not sure when

Have a wonderful Morning, Day, or Night!!

Again I am truely sorry for those who have been waiting for this chapter

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