Chapter 6

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—Few days later—
Touya and Todoroki have been living at U.A for a little bit now. Touya is a 3rd year, he took the entrance exam and now he's in 3-A.

I was waiting for class to start, when I looked onto the website it came up with 'HACKED' I was confused but I still wanted to make sure
What is it
The U.A website says 'HACKED'
I'll tell Nezu. But you won't be able to attend class for a little bit.
I'll try and find a way to get to U.A
Alright I'll excuse you if your late
Thank you sir.
"Now how am I going to get to school?" I was changing while thinking of a way "no one knows about my wings" 'yeah I'll fly there' I got out of the house and locked it up.

I have been flying for 10 minutes now and a lot of hero's keep yelling at me "hey kid" I looked over and saw the pro-hero "Hawks" I wanted to start writing stuff down but I already knew about him "You know you shouldn't be using your quirk" I eye rolled him "yeah I know" I felt me falling down. I looked up and saw hawks pushing me down, and it hurt like hell. The stuff from when I was with my dad still hadn't fully healed yet.

"OW!" He stopped pushing me down so hardly. Once we reached the floor I was on the ground with hawks standing beside me "sorry kid but all the hero's where getting mad" he said with a low whisper, I put my wings away. he looked at my and probably saw a bit of a scar "hey kid" I sat up and looked at him "where are you going anyway?" I looked at my uniform "isn't it obvious?" He let out a small laugh

"Sorry kid I can be a bit oblivious sometimes" I smiled at him "want a ride there?" To be honest me and hawks have met before, when I was 11 and we got along great. I almost saw him as my brother "sure" I got onto him back and we started to fly "what's your name kid" I didn't take anytime "Izuku Midoriya" "Izu?!" "Yeah. And I said to stop with the nicknames!" I could sense that he was happy "Oh and Hawks" we where flying above the buildings so he wouldn't run into any "you flew past U.A" he looked down at a stop then back "Oops" he flew backwards and stoped at the entrance "cya later bird brain" I quickly ran off inside "YOUR SO DEAD NEXT TIME I SEE YOU" I let out a laugh.

I reached the door of my classroom, I looked at the time '8?!. How the hell did I get here so quick'. Before walking in I made sure that I had all my quirks deactivated, I activated my 'create' quirk to make a teleportation quirk. I teleported my shirt away and then a new one back.

I walked inside and saw no one "Uhm hello?" All the lights where off I saw a figure in the corner of my eye. I turned in my 'Fox' Quirk "Who are you!" I waited but no one responded "COME OUT" I waited and felt something on my neck, I put my hand one my neck and felt another collar. The class door was opening "come out or I'll make you!" The figure started to move, I saw a weird out line. I looked back and saw yellow "Izuku." The figure came out more "Mr. Aizawa?" "Yeah?"

I pointed out the figure to to the Him, the figure became clear "Duck!" He got down and saw a man staring behind him

Name: Mizousu Shina
Vigilante name: Killer Bee
Quirk: Teleportation and control
Age: 20

"Why are you attacking us if your a vigilante?" He stopped "I got hired to test you" I looked over at Sensei "you know if I thought it was an actual villain I wouldn't of held back right?" "Then why didn't you" I had to think of an excuse "his fighting style reminded me of the vigilante killer bee". I heard the door open once again "Did he fail like the rest?" I looked at the door and saw nothing, I looked down and saw Nezu "no"

I was still a bit confused of what the test was "he spotted me the moment he walked in, and he got into a fighting stance waiting for me to attack first" "excuse me" everyone one looked at me "what is going on" I saw Nezu walking up to me, so I nelt down for him to get up onto my shoulder. "Thank you" he got on me and I stood back up waiting for someone to respond.

"We hired Killer Bee to test the students. His job was to see how they react and so it was easier for us to figure out what our students needed to do to get better" I used my quirk again making my eyes glow, I made a quirk called 'past time'

Me and Nezu where watching what previously happened, when we got to Bakugos I felt like I had to watch it more then the others.

—quirk is being used for this—
(It's Bakugos POV)

I was early to class since I wanted to get ready for the USJ that was happening today, I thought that Four eyes would be in class before me. When I walked in it was dark, no one was at the desks, it felt uneasy

I activated my quirk thinking someone might be in here "Oi" I heard shuffling noises coining from the back. I looked over and saw a little bit of a shadow, I ran towards it using my quirk when it stopped "Bakugo..." I looked at the door and saw Mr. Aizawa and Nezu "This was a test" they nodded

—back to reality—
(Izuku's POV again)

"Wow so everyone did fail" I looked over at Nezu who had a shocked face "how did you even get to school" by the voice I could tell it was Mr. Aizawa "Hawks gave me a ride" I left the room with two frozen people and Nezu on my shoulder "so Nezu where is the rest of the class?" "Outside waiting for the rest of the class" "thanks" it was silent for a bit "do you want to play chess with me" I was a bit surprised "sure but what's your IQ?" "563" his IQ is higher then mine "mines at 559" we had a little conversation while walking to the back of the school

That's it! Hope you guys enjoy!
Sorry this took so long

Make sure to check out my other story!

Have a wonderful Morning, Day or Night

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