Love With the Perfect Neighbor(2)

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Hi! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated my stories. I have been have problems with this sight lately. It just deletes the chapters I write as soon as I try and publish them. I have written the same chapter for each of my stories at least three times. Anyways I think I got it working again so no need to be upset.



Love With the Perfect Neighbor



"A party huh? Can I come?" I turned around and started walking backwards.

"Nope. It would be too much for you to handle." I climbed into his car, but not before I got one last look at his face.


Chapter 2

I carefully found my footing along the side of the tree. I was trying to climb carefully because I was more than a bit intoxicated. I like the feeling of ruff bark against my feet, and the straps of my heels digging into my wrist. I like climbing a tree drunk. It made me feel alive.

Do you ever wonder adreneline junkies do what they do? It makes us feel alive. Knowing that you could die at any second is the biggest rush in the world. It's a little tingley thrill in the back of your memory. I'm not into jumping off super high cliffs or anything, but right now, about three stories off the ground, and drunk , I'm climbing a tree. That makes me feel alive.

I climbed into my bed still in my clothes. My tank top had beer spilled on it. My shorts had the back pocket ripped off. My make-up was smudged. My lips were swollen from kissing some boy I whose name I don't even know. I was started to drift into sleep now. My subconscious mind wondered why I liked to party so much. Maybe it was because it gave me a rush. It made me feel alive. I concept I wouldn't dare think of while I was awake.

My alarm was screaming. I slammed my hand down on the top to silence it. Ugh. This was the worst part about partying. The morning after hangover. I had a headache, I was tired, I felt like I was gonna be sick, and I probably looked like shit. I went to the bathroom before anyone saw me. I didn't really feel like explaining myself right now. I started the shower and almost immediately stepped in it. The cold water sobered me. I was feeling so much better now.

I got out towel dried and slipped on my uniform. I quickly blow-dried my hair and put on makeup. Though most girls in my grade just love to pile on makeup I really don't. I hate the feeling of having makeup caked on me. It feels like my skin can can't breathe. I quickly slipped on a pair of heels and headed downstairs.

I live with my mom and brother, Jake. My dad left a few days after I was born. He signed some custody and divorce agreements where he pays for everything for me and Jake, he paid off our house, he pays the bills every month, and my mom gets a huge alimony check every month. There was only one catch, he never wanted to see us again. I don't have daddy issues. I don't think about him all the time and try and find him. Honestly he sounds like an asshole.

I grabbed a muffin off the kitchen table on my way out the door. I hopped into my black mercedes glk. I turned up the radio and sang really loud on the whole drive. I whirled by the trees and breathed the mossy earth smell coming from my slightly ajar window. I finnally pulled into the parking lot.

First thing I noticed the guys staring at my skirt (which was about two inches above regulation, but who really gives a shit?) like they do every day.

"Hi boys." I smiled and winked as I passed by. They just continued to openly check me out. Just another day in my life.

"Reggie!" I heard a fammilar voice fill my ears. I turned to see my best friend, Daisy, casually strolling towards me. Daisy was a blast. We went to the craziest parties together. We would always get into the worst trouble. It was so much fun. Daisy had crazy red hair and beatiful green eyes. Her body had plenty of curves in all the right places. She was most definately the star of a lot of boys wet dreams around here.

"Daisy!" I greeted her with a hug. We began to saunter off towards the courtyard where everyone hung out before school.

"Ok ." she started, "If anyone can pull off the morning after look it's you. You look down off of vodka and hot sex. Who'd you hook up with last night?" I shrugged.

"I don't remember." She laughed and I joined in.

"I completely lost you at the party though. I seriously couldn't find you anywhere."

"Oh I didn't tell you?" I cocked my head to the side.

"Tell me what?" She asked honestly confused.

"Well it involved a really big bottle of vodka and some very hot sex." She burst out laughing. I joined in. The entire yard was looking at us. Girls with envy, boys with lust.

It was just another morning.


Hello again!

So sorry I haven't updated in a while.

So... What did you think?!

I know it was short, but I was just trying to get it published.

I'm gonna try to get on a better updating schedule.

Remember to vote and comment.

Thank you!

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