Love with the Perfect Neighbor(6)

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Reggie's POV

He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell ringing loudly.

"Saved by the bell." he said with a smirk. "I'll take you up on that offer sometime." He winked at me. Then he gathered his stuff and walked out the door.


Chapter 6

Reggie's POV

I drove home in complete silence. I was furious. I never lost games. If Chris likes Clarissa then I'm screwed.I was a winner. And I refused to lose to a snob like Clarissa Adams. In every battle between Clarissa and I, the winner was always me. I didn't want to be the loser now. Clarissa was one of those people who would never let you forget something.

As soon as I walked through the door I heard voices coming from the foyer.

"Oh and Jake is just doing amazing in football these days. This senior year is so important for him. With scholarships and stuff." I heard my mother's thick southern accent. My mom was a traditional southern belle. She grew up in a wealthy family from Georgia. Most of her adolescent life was spent attending debutant balls and beauty pagents. Natually she wanted the same for me. The only problem was I couldn't stand any of it. She tried to enter me in a couple of pagents when I was thirteen. By the time I was fourteen I'd thrown enough competions for her to stop before she embarrassed herself completely.

"Well that's just great!" I recognized the voice as Mrs. Adams. If you hadn't made the conection yet, Clarissa's mom. "What about Regina?" My mother sighed.

"She's fine, but Jake-" she went on about how wonderful Jake was. I snorted quietly. It's no surprise my mom doesn't want to talk about me. She is dissapointed and embarrassed by me. Jake is her pride and joy. My brother, Jake, is about 19 monthes older than me. He was a senior at my school. He had a 4.0 GPA, quarterback on the football team, had a steady girlfriend since freshman year, and a member of the debutant society. In other words, my mother's dream come true.

"Hello mother," I said walking through the foyer. She looked startled.

"Oh hello Reggie," my mom ran her fingers through her perfect blonde hair. "I didn't know you

would be home this early. I assumed you would be out with one of your... uh friends." She said friends with such disgust. I knew she didn't approve of my friends. Another reason I loved them so dearly. I sat down next to my mother on the coach and grabbed a handful of nuts out of the crystal bowl on the table.

"No mom I'd rather spend time with you." I chewed with my mouth open and as I talked pieces of nuts flew out of my mouth and covered Mrs. Adams.

"Oh I am so sorry," I fake apologized. "Here let me help you." I grabbed a napkin and began rubbing it across Mrs. Adams chest. She gasped and pushed my hand away.

"Reggie honestly!" My mother yelled as she grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from Mrs. Adams. "Can you please go away for a little while and give us some peace and quiet?" She ran her fingers through her hair. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever," I walked out of the foyer and headed up to my room.

"I honestly don't know what's wrong with that girl. I am so sorry." My mother apologiesed to Mrs. Adams.

I did little things like this to piss off my mom all the time. This isn't why she like Jake better though. I don't think my mom likes me is because she thinks I'm the reason my dad left.

Love with the Perfect Neighbor(on hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें