Love with the Perfect Neighbor(9)

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Reggie's *POV*

"Well you could have tried asking." I said before pushing myself off the bed and walking out of the room. I heard her muttering something that sounded like "I'm sorry", but I'll never be sure.

I walked straight into my room. I was so angry. Being with my mom just infuriated me. The way she acted as if this was all my fault. As if the fact that our relationship sucked was all my fault. It's not that I blame it all on her, I played my part in this as well. I just wish she could stop blaming me. As I paced back and forth I just became more infuriated. I wanted to forget all of today. So I picked up my phone. I dialed a familiar number.

"Hey, it's me." I said. "Want to go out tonight?"


Chapter 8

My feet found the familiar grooves in the rough bark. I was slowly lowering myself to the ground. Sneaking like most other nights, but something was wrong tonight. There was an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I tried to convince myself it was just something I ate, but that was impossible. I barely touched my dinner. Which was possibly the most awkward meal of my life. Barely a word passed between Jake, Brianna, my mom, or me. My mother and I weren't speaking so there was a lot of tension. I guess Brianna and Jake sensed it and decided not to get in the middle. Smart kids.

Just as I was about to land on the ground something moved in my peripheral vision.


I shrieked and lost my balance. I felt myself falling back. Luckily I wasn't too far away from the ground. I landed directly on my butt. I looked up to see Chris standing above me with a sexy smirk played across his lips. He was biting his lower lip to keep from laughing.

"Well?" I snapped. "Are you just gonna stand there all night or help me up, jerk?" He extended his hand to me. I took it without hesitation, I ignored the tingles I felt. He pulled me up until I was pressed against him.

"Sorry," he said. His mouth was not two inches from mine.

"It's okay." I whispered surprised at how soft and shakey my voice was. I immediately pushed away, digusted with myself for letting a boy have this effect on me. I began wiping the dirt off my butt just to give myself something to do. I looked up at Chris who was staring at the ground with his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"," he began softly. His voice sounded as if it were about to be carried away with the wind. "You know that girl who used to live in my room?"

My heart tightened at the mere mention of Jessie. I swallowed hard, ran my fingers through my hair, and painted a big fake smile across my lips. No need to comfort me. I'm fine thanks for asking.

"What about her?" I asked. I tried to sound as uninterested as possible. Maybe he would change the subject.

"Well I feel that there was more to her then your letting on. And I just want you to know I'm here if you wanted to talk." I blinked. I was confused to say the least. I wasn't expecting that at all. Maybe some sympathy. You poor girl with the dead best friend. It must have been horrible for you.

"Want to go to a party tonight?" I blurted out. It was the only thing I could say. I couldn't take anymore of this sadness or I would start to cry.

"Sure," he answered cautiously. Probably thinking, 'What's wrong with this crazy girl?'

I smiled. "Well great our ride's here." I pointed to Daisy's car. grateful it had just pulled up.

"Wait, right now?"

"Yup and we're already late so we better get moving."


I stumbled around. Probably way over the legal intoxication limit. But tonight drinking was an escape. Every time I thought of Jessie I took another shot until she was out of my mind. Just now I had been dancing with Daisy. Throwing my arms up at all the right parts, but not quite feeling the music like I usually do. So I exused myself to go get another drink.

"What can I get for you, darling?" the bartender asked throwing in a wink. I giggle and opened my mouth to order another shot of Tequilla.

"She'll have water." A voice behind me said. I turned around to see just who was ordering drinks for me when my eyes locked with the beautiful eyes of Chris Wilde. He smirked at me.

"I think you've had enough alcohol for one night." Chris said as if he needed to emphasize his point. I rolled my eyes.

"And you," I poked him in the chest completely ignoring how hard his pecks felt, "need to loosen up." He smirked.

"And exactly how do you suppose I do that, Reggie?"

"Like this." And then I did something that surprised even me.


Ahhhhh! What did she do!

I'm too tired to ramble on today so, I'll just tell you sorry I didn't update sooner and I promise to update soon!

Vote and comment please!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 31, 2011 ⏰

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