Love with the Perfect Neighbor(3)

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Hi again! Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I'm having some serious writing block with this story.

Anyways, this chapter starts off in Chris' POV. Enjoy!


Love with the Perfect Neighbor



"Well it involved a really big bottle of vodka and some very hot sex." She burst out laughing. I joined in. The entire yard was looking at us. Girls with envy, boys with lust.

It was just another morning.


Chapter 3

Chris *POV*

I was sitting by the edge of the courtyard staring at my schedule. I heard a burst of laughter from the front of the school. I saw Reggie and a redhead attracting attention. I chuckled gently. No matter how many schools I went to things were always the same. There was that one girl who thinks her shit don't stink. Those were the girls I liked to play with.

I transfer schools a lot. My dad's job tends to transfer us every six monthes or so. In the past five years I've been to nine different schools. Though the setting may be different the people never changed. The dumb jocks who think they own the school, the preppy kids with sticks up their asses(my mom was forever trying to get me to join the preppy people in their debutaunt society), the emo kids, the male players, the snobby cheerleaders, the nobodies, and then we have the girls like Reggie. Otherwise known as the female player. You know that girl who knows she's hot, loves to party, goes through guys faster than a kid with a cold goes through kleenex. Yeah those girls. Every school has 'em. Looks like Edgar High's is Reggie.

See I like to play a little game at every school I go to. I find that girl and I knock her down a peg or two. A girl like Reggie is used to getting everything she wants through looks and social position. I'm not gonna lie, she is hot. She has blonde hair and gorgeous green eyes. But that doesn't make her any different from the other girls. I could tell just by the way she walked and talked that she knows she's hot too. Here's where I come in. I play the game with them. I make them fall head over heels in love with me. Which, when I turn on the charm, isn't that hard. Then I tear it all out from under them. The best part is by the time they are ready to get back at me I've already moved on to the next town my father moves us to.

Reggie Sparks, prepare to be played.

Reggie's *POV*

The beggining of the day passed by in a blur. Classes, teachers, and homework ect. I was sitting at my usual lunch table nibbling on an apple waiting for my friends. I was causually glancing around when I spotted Chris. I almost choked on my apple. He was sitting two tables down with a bunch of kids I didn't really recognize. He was even hotter in daylight. I was slightly gawking at him when I felt the bench shift beside me. I looked ever the see Daisy sitting down. Behind her were my other friends. Ron sat down on the opposite side of Daisy winking at me in the process. James slide in the seat across from me. Rachel sat in between Ron and James. I smiled at my friends who were all pulling at their lunches.

"So," Daisy said,"who's the hottie you were drooling over." She jerked her chin over to Chris's table.

"Oh my God, I was not drooling over him." I said as I lifted my water to my lips attempting to hide my red cheeks.

"Yeah you were." said Ron taking a bite of his cheeseburger.

"So who is he?" Rachel asked leaning forward in her hands. "I don't recognize him."

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