Kiyoko's Mad, Bitches~

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3rd person P.O.V

"Yahoo~" He greeted.

"Oikawa Tooru? Brooo is that actually you?" Nishinoya squealed while running toward him, when Kiyoko stopped him. "Kiyoko-saaaaannn!" He whined, Kiyoko ignored him.

"What would you like, Mr. Oikawa?" Kiyoko asked, Oikawa looked around the bakery but his eyes didn't land on any bread. Instead, They landed on a green haired boy with freckles. Making him grin.

"Is that cutie available?" He asks and pointed toward Yamaguchi, Yamaguchi blushed a little and averted eye contact as Terushima slightly shield him.

"As a matter of fact, He isn't. Now would you like us to offer you into something else?" Terushima bitterly smiled, Oikawa returned it with another bitter sweet smile.

"Sure." He simply responded, The other workers went back inside to do their jobs, the only ones left in the room where it happened- (HAMILTOOONNN) was Kiyoko, Terushima, and Yamaguchi.

Although, Nishinoya was whining all over and begged Kiyoko to let him stay, She didn't.

"Hey, Freckles~ What's your name?" Oikawa asked as he leans on the counter, Yamaguchi looked at him for a minute before responding; "Hello, I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi. Please leave if you aren't going to buy anything."

Oikawa's eyes widen a bit but his lips were curled slightly into a smirk. "I like your attitude~" He winked, Yamaguchi only sighed and didn't look back.

As Oikawa was flirting with Yamaguchi and Terushima basically killing him with his glares, The bell from above the door rang, Making the four of them look back at the door.

"H-hey..! I'm so sorry, I'm late!" Yachi bowed, As she looked up, her jaw dropped. "W-wait..-" She mumbled as she take a step toward Oikawa.

When she was about close enough, She slightly poked Oikawa but flinched when her skin met with his cotton clothing. "Oh my god.. HE'S REAL?!" She yelled, Oikawa smirked and turned around.

Yachi flinched as she felt a tall shadow in front of her, God how she hated being small. "I'm a hundred percent real~" He smiled, Yachi backed away a bit and laughed nervously. Making Oikawa confused.

"Sorry, Hitoka-chan is kinda scared of big and tall guys." Kiyoko said as she place her hands on both Yachi's Shoulders. Making Yachi blush and tense.

"It's good~ Anyway, I would like some cheese bread, please!" He finally ordered, Yamaguchi and Terushima sighed in relief, knowing he's gonna leave soon.


"Thank you, Come again." Kiyoko bowed as Oikawa was about to leave through the door, but stopped mid-way.

"Can i talk with your cashier, For a moment? In private?" He asked, Everyone stood still as Kiyoko was about to say 'Sure' Terushima stopped her and walked toward Oikawa.

"What's your business with Yamaguchi, anyways?" Terushima glared, Oikawa ignored his glare and stared at Yamaguchi.

"It wouldn't be private if I tell you, now would it?" He smirked, Terushima rolled his eyes.

"So? Yama-kun~" He winked, Yamaguchi blushed but agreed in the end, Making Terushima shocked and Kiyoko.. meh.

"I'll be back." Yamaguchi smiled as he and Oikawa left through the door.

Once the door closed, Yamaguchi turned to Oikawa, "W-what do you need, sir?" He asked, nervous.

"I was just wondering if I saw you somewhere before.." Oikawa said while studying Yamaguchi from head to toe.

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