Sorry, Yams.

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Yamaguchi P.O.V (4:18)

"Yams, wake up."


"Hey, We're here."


"We're at your house. Come on, It's already morning."


"Yeah, Wake up."

"But.. I don't wanna..!"

I heard him sigh and get out the car, I flutter my eyes open to see him gone. I looked around, still tired when someone opened the car door from my side.

"Gwah!–" I yelped as I almost fell out of the car, when I felt two arms holding me up. I open one eye then saw Tsukki staring down at me with a bored expression.

I stare back at him and giggled, "S-sorry, Tsukki..!" I say as I sit back up. I yawned as I also get out the car.

When I felt my feet on the ground, I immediatly noticed something was off. Wasn't I carrying a bag earlier?

I panicked and felt my pockets for my phone but it also wasn't there. "No, no, no.." I mutter to myself as I grip my hair.

"What's wrong?" He asked, I look at him with panic in my eyes as I breathed heavily. "M-my bag.. My phone.." I stuttered, He rolled his eyes and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down. I have it." He said, I let go of my hair and looked at him, "R-really?" I mutter, He nodded.

I hug him tightly and thanked him, He flinched but hugged back. "W-where is it..?" I ask, He gently pulled away from the hug and went back inside the car.

He got out the car with my bag and phone in hand, "I smiled and walked up to him and grabbed my bag first. I opened it and everything was still there, Thankfully.

Then my phone, It was kind of cracked but it's still a phone nonetheless. And it still works so I'll keep it.

"Thank you.." I smiled softly at him, He looked away, "You already said that.." He muttered, I only giggled and shrugged.

"Tadashi..!" I hear someone yell from the door, I turn my head toward it and My eyes widen. I quickly ran toward my mother and held her for support.

"What were you thinking..?! Where's Mrs. Kaila?! You should be asleep..!" I half-yelled, She hugged me tightly.

"I was worried about you, Where were you anyway..?" She asked, I hug back and side eyed Tsukki.

He shook his head and I look down, "I was.. I kind of.. Uhm..." I stammered, I look at Tsukki again with a 'Help-Me-Out Look.' He sighed and nodded.

"Mrs. Yamaguchi?" Tsukki called out, My mom pulled away from the hug and stared at Tsukki. I gulped and stood still.

"Huh? Wait.." My mom paused as he stared at Tsukki from head to toe. "Tall figure.. Blonde hair.. Golden eyes.. Has glasses.." She muttered, "You're Tsukishima, Aren't you?" She asked.

"Yes, I am. I'm your sons'–" Tsukki was about to bow when Mom cut him off.

"Are you my sons' Boyfriend?" She asked suddenly. I flinched as I feel my cheeks heat up. "M-Mom!" I yelled.

"What? You talk about him everyday, and we just talked about him yesterday, didn't we?" She asked, I covered my face out of pure embarrassment.

"Erm. You have it wrong, Mrs. Yamaguchi." Tsukki started, "We're just friends." He chuckled lightly. My mom studied Tsukki for awhile before clicking her tongue.

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