Help has arrived!

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⚠️Chapter warning:⚠️ Some people might get triggered by the contents (suicidal thoughts) of this chapter. Though it is only a minor amount, you have been warned! Don't sue me...

Uploaded: February 2nd 2021


My eyes are open but are met with darkness. I'm in yet another dark room...

I've honestly gotten used to the darkness at this point. My life has been nothing but pain, disappointment, loss, and hopelessness.

After being captured, I'm practically sleeping every two seconds, I've either fallen asleep, been knocked out, or been put to sleep against my will.

I feel numb, hurt, betrayed. Am I just a string of bad luck? First my parents die, then myself and my siblings are left in the care of our two horrible great uncles, then I constantly get us punished to the point of starvation, then I get pushed into a whole 'nother dimension and I start causing troubles there!

Is- Is everything my fault? Was I causing this? Maybe everything would be better if I wasn't-

No! Don't think that way Mavis! We're better than this! It's not our fault. It can't be! It's not! We'll find a way out of this.

I'll help my second dimension family and then go back home. Everything is going to be fine. It will! It- It will...

"Kid, you're a very annoying human." I hear the voice of Bill Cipher come from behind me and I turn to face him. "I offered to let you go back home to your dimension and what do you do? You run around my castle and get yourself hurt. Why did you do that?"

I open my mouth to say something but just sighed and turn back around.

"You can't respond. Ya know why? Because it was a stupid move and you know it, don't you?"

I didn't respond. I just silently cried to myself, knowing he was right. It was a stupid move. I didn't know what I was doing.

"You really didn't."

"Stop reading my mind!!" I openly screamed at him, not thinking before hand.

"Watch it." He responded blankly.

I jumped but don't know why. I would have rather had him yell at me then say it to me with no emotion like that. He is really mad. I know he is.

"I've been trying to be kind to you but you are making this so much harder than it needs to be." He said. Before I could respond we randomly heard a crash come from the another room.

I sit up and face the wall where the noise came from. "What was that." I whisper-yell. Even though it was more of a whisper, Bill still heard it, though, he just laughed at my fear and curiosity.

"And speaking of making things harder than they need to be, I've got a six-fingered freak to torture. Now you behave and think about your actions like a good girl. I'll be back soon." Bill said that last part, belittling me. He disappeared... I shuddered as his words echoed through my head... He was acting like my Great Uncles... It almost made me sick.

I want to go home. I'd rather face the punishment my great uncle's had in store than stay here as the prisoner of a triangle.

Maybe I should just give in and see what Bill wants. He said he could get me home...

No! You stop that Mavis! You have to help your family!

But then again... maybe I can't help them... I'm not from this dimension... I don't know what I'm doing. I'm just a little girl who lives in a small, small town... While my siblings in this dimension live in Piedmont California. Sure, I was born there, but I barely remember what life was like there.

In a world like this... I don't stand a chance... I think I should go back home. But- the only problem is, I don't want my family in this dimension to worry about me just disappearing.

I know Captain illuminacho over there going to be PEEVED with me if I do this but, I think I should try to find my way to Ford, I'll explain to him how I want to go home and how I don't want him to be worried when I'm gone.

Alright, I know the drill, luckily I wasn't chained down this time. I quickly make my way up and start feeling my way around the room PRAYING for there to be just one brick that I can move and climb through.

AHA! Found one! I carefully slide the brick out and poke my head through to make sure no one is waiting for me in the hallway. Nope! Coast is clear!

I very carefully make my way through Bill's castle, peaking around every corner and constantly looking behind my back. In the distance I can hear screams from someone, though, I cannot make out who. They get louder. Then I walk down a hallway and they get softer. Then they stop. Then I go down another hallway and they are loud once more.

Until finally I get to the place where the screams are coming from. It's then I know exactly who the screams are coming from.

"Ford!" I yell to myself, being cautious of anyone hearing me. I peak my head into the room and see all the monsters crowded around Bill who was shooting lightning out of his eye and hitting Ford. No wonder I got here so easily everyone was distracted with Bill torturing my alternate dimension uncle. I thought Bill was kidding when he said he was going to torture Ford! I thought he was trying to scare me... guess he wasn't.

I thought about running out there to help him... but what's the point? I wouldn't stand the slightest chance fighting even the weakest one of their gang... Let alone all of them... Maybe I should just go back to that jail cell and wa-

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind and before I even could think about what had just happened I was thrown to the ground in the middle of the group. Everyone just stared down at me and laughed. Bill included. The only one who wasn't laughing was Ford. He just looked at me with a panicked, exhausted, and sad expression.

Bill levitated me up and I was next to Ford who had chains on his wrists and ankles.

"Well look who we have here! Looks like center here tried to escape again! How cute!"

All the demons just said "Awww!" or laughed at me. I hugged myself and hung my head low, embarrassed and scared.

"Now how should I punish you? How about I make you watch me torture your uncle here? One of the only people who's ever cared about you!"

Before he could do so, everything around us shook. And the wall blew open to reveal a... dinosaur? No! It's not a dinosaur... well it is BUT IT WAS ATTACHED TO THE MYSTERY SHACK!!! THEY MADE THE MYSTERY SHACK INTO A ROBOT!!! Thats- WOW! I heard Soos say something into a microphone but I was too busy admiring how they did this.

"So the mortals are trying to fight back huh? Adorable! Henchmaniacs, you know what to do!" Bill exclaimed and suddenly the demons got 100x taller than they were before. Before they were a couple meters taller than me, now... they're taller than skyscrapers.

"TAKE. THEM. OUT!!!" Bill yelled. All the demons ran out and faced the Mystery shack...

This was going to be... interesting...


1298 words (including this) WOW! Love yall so much! The story is getting closer to it's ending but we still have a ways to go! MaKe SuRe To VoTe, CoMmEnT, aNd FoLlOw! Bye now!

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