~ chapter three ~

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once I reclaimed consciousness, I looked confused as anyone could've ever been.
I had so many questions without remember anything that previously happened. I didn't know where I was, what had happened, and why I couldn't remember anything formerly. 

assuming I was in a hospital complex, noted from the décor of the room, but in a smaller office space. a nurse had lightly knocked on the door of the room, signaling that she was about to come in. 

"I'm glad you're finally awake dearie!" she cheered happily, checking on my vitals.
"could I have the location of this place?" I looked at her with a puzzled face.

she gave a small smile, "well that fall must've really knocked your memory," she joked, "you're at the academy, the Academy of Crown Lake." 

I glanced at her with a genuinely shocked look: 

"wait, what? I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?" I didn't remember foster mother exactly wanting to enroll me into one. 

"the Academy of Crown Lake," she repeated more slowly. 

I looked at her with shock and delusion. the Academy of Crown Lake? what. 

this couldn't be reality; I closed my eyes and tried reimagining my reality but the scenery didn't change. 

"I'm sure the headmaster will be grateful that you are awake. you can finally have a proper introduction with him."

I tried to naturalize my atmosphere around myself while contemplating the last few minutes of my life. I struggled trying to release myself once I learned that my hands were strapped down. okay, what the actual hell is happening right now? 

an elderly man, attired primly and properly, came into the room. 

"hello Elenora-Elise Lewington. I'm the owner of the facility, Maximillian Dunsky, but you can just call me Headmaster," he greeted brightly, "I'm glad you've take my advice coming to academy," he paused, "even if you tried to fight at first," 

my memory was slowly relapsing into my mind, I was certain it was a prank at first and when I learned it wasn't, I worried and did what any sane person would do. 

"so, I'm at the Academy of Crown Lake?" I asked sort of confused.
he nodded, "quite certainly." "o-okay—can I get released from these straps?" as soon as Headmaster snapped, the nurse tended to the straps almost immediately. 

"please don't mind the straps," she informed me, "we do that for every student. never know how they'll react sometimes." 

I nodded as I slipped out the bed and walked towards my book-bag. 

"now that you're awake, I suppose you'd like a tour of your newest home." 

I was overthinking every little thing possible, all the answers or outcomes. I walked out the room with this headmaster and followed him closely. my mind had countless numbers of question, but I didn't speak my mind. 

"welcome to the Academy of Supernatural," he said once again. 

I gave the smallest smile possible, alright? I suppose I'll pretend like the entirety of this wasn't confusing as it was. through the opening doors of the hospital complex, I was led up several staircases and a few corridors by Headmaster. 

"here," he pointed to the classrooms on either side of the corridor, "are the classrooms for all of these students." 

okay? I was doing exceptionally fine at my previous school. 

"but because you aren't natural—"
"you and many others are here for your protection from hollows."
"what?" I whispered to myself. 

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