~ chapter seven ~

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~ flashback ~ 

at my most recently resided foster house, the Brizzi's, I traveled from my foster father's house to my foster mother's house quite often. 

I sat at the desk in my quiet, dimly lit bedroom at my foster mother's house, studying some literary analysis with my headphones on, writing some book report.
downstairs, two of brothers spending quality time with their friends. 

"Nora!" I heard someone yell for my name as they walked upstairs, "hey, you're going to Dad's house tonight." Joshua informed me as he abruptly opened my door.
"okay? could you signal you're walking into my bedroom?" 

he didn't seem to care, "it's Friday evening, don't you have friends to hang out with instead of doing homework for next week?" Joshua asked in a mockery. 

I rolled my eyes, "don't you have an essay that was due yesterday? I could, but unlike you, I decide against decisions I know I'll mistake for the entirety of my life." 

he rolled his eyes and slammed my door closed. I took off my headphones, stood from my desk, and walked over to my dressers.
I chose a pastel pink, knitted sweater tucked into a soft grey pleated plaid skirt with short grey boots. 

"okay, so who's accompanying me to foster father's house?" I asked as I walked downstairs, not aware of the six other highschoolers in the lounge room.
"oh, sorry. I didn't realize—I'll wait in the breakfast area of the kitchen."
"Mom's taking you, she should be home soon." Will informed before he rolled a pair of dice.

I placed my laptop onto the kitchen island, drowning the modulation with my headphones. 

"wait! Adrien don't throw it! you're gonna—"

I heard a loud noise occur from across the lounge room.

"break something..." Joshua finished his statement in disappointment.
"oh shit!" I heard someone cuss in worry. 

it sounded like glass or ceramic had broken.

"fuck." Joshua said in consternation.
"okay, you know what...it's okay, it's okay." Will told himself, stressfully stroking his hands through his hair.
"y-yeah," Josh faintly continued, "we-we'll just blame Nora for this. it's not like she gets in trouble anyway." 

"speculating from the previous events, what followed?" I asked, sighing.
I almost immediately found a glass vase had broken into smaller fragments on the floor. 

"does it matter? it doesn't concern you."
"it did once you mentioned my name." I told Joshua with a raised eyebrow.
"alright fine. you're sensible to know Adrian broke something." Joshua revealed, "and it happened to be Mom's favorite vase." 

"oh, that's remarkably unfortunate for the two of you." I told them without a drop of sympathy.
"Joshua and I decided to make you the scapegoat. you're taking the blame for this." 

I sighed, "Mother knows I couldn't do something like this. I rarely locate myself in the lounge room."
"it's two people against one." Joshua stated.
"plus, why are you so pressed? you never get in trouble anyway. if anything, she'll just make you stay in your room." Will added. "no, Mom would probably make her socialize with us, if anything." Joshua laughed at his mistakenly hysterical comment.

"of course, I couldn't assist with predicaments if I desired too." I blankly stated.
"look, she's going to believe the side with more 'evidence' and 'factors'." Will confidently told me. 

"of course, our lawyer mother would choose the two impulsive, impetuous brothers over the innocent, soft-spoken sister."

"damn, she's smart." one of the other guys howled.
"you know what...she's gotta point." one of the girls agreed with me entirety.
"okay but—" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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