~ chapter six ~

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"so, how was your first day at the academy?" Newt spoke, still focused on his book.
"precisely different in the peculiarity of the ordinary."
"oh, I have a gift for you, but I forgot about it until now."
I laughed, "it's fine, don't worry about it." 

he walked over to my bed and held his hand out, acknowledging a small black case. after he handed it to me, I quietly opened the box.
inside the cubical was a rose golden-coloured ring. I didn't study the ring further as I quietly shut the box. 

"it's lovely, but a simple girl like myself isn't entitled to something as pretty. and you've known me for all of one day." 

I smiled and gave him case. he placed it into my hands once more, closing my hands.
"my mother once quoted, 'give this ring to a girl you'll appreciate for the rest of your life. start from the beginning and see where her friendship accompanies you to.'" 

"in essence, there are over a twelve-hundred girls, within this academy but you chose me, why?" "you aren't like most girls, you're peculiarly different, Elle. there's something about you that differentiates you from most." 

I softly smiled; he was quite an acquaintance. 

"I couldn't accept a gift like this." I hesitated with the case.
"think of it as a friendship promise, if one of us fractures the friendship, you may take the ring off." 

he walked over to his bed and blew out his candle.
I cracked the case open once more, studying the ring Newt had gave me. 

the ring itself, never touched either end of the bearing. on one side, a golden crescent as various gems were all spaced differently. the gemstones were opals, spectacles of diamonds, and pearls. the overall look reminded me of the stars in the midnight sky. 

the other side was a small gemstone of a star. the ring reflected the rays of moonlight through the glass-like ceiling. I found myself truly fond of the ring, it was lovely. I pulled the ring out of the box and slid it onto my right hand's ring finger. 

assorted topics crossed my mind before I was out like a flame. if I awoke tomorrow morning, will I discover myself still residing in a foster home? I'm contemplating on the possible outcomes, deciding the basic calculations.

the upcoming morning, I awoke to the tone of Evie's undelightful snoring with her head off her pillow, drooling.
I reached for my vintage glasses, attempting to read the clock in the far-left corner. 

I quietly slid out a book from my bookcase headboard. I cracked the book to a certain chapter and looked at the finely printed words. 

"wait, are you reading?" Newt asked as he glanced over, "how could you possibly read at this hour?" 

I looked over at Newt as he checked his watch, "it's six in the morning."
"and your point is? a bit of light reading doesn't depreciate the knowledge of the mind." 

he rolled his eyes, "I suppose you aren't wrong in that, particularly statement." 

I shrugged as I returned to my book's interestingly detail chapter. once I reached chapter twenty, I discovered a letter that had slipped out my book.
I observed the elegantly, handwritten letter, Isabelle's.
before I could begin to read the letter, an alarming bell had rung. 

it scared the mother of nature out of me, "Artemis!" I exclaimed in shock. 

"oh, I forgot to mention about the morning bell. it signals us to basically start our day."
I looked at him with a lifted eyebrow and an unauthentic smile, "sure, you forgot to mention."

he gave a mischievous smile, "since you can't technically prove anything, yes, I forgot to mention."
I rolled my eyes and smiled. I decided to adjust my blankets and covers before walking into the lavatories.

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