~ chapter four ~

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maybe I wasn't dreaming for once, maybe I was a 'supernatural' but only heaven would know the answer to that question. 

"I didn't expect you to get the uniform perfectly." 

Newt looked up at me as I came outside the bathroom.
he stared at me for a moment, "I mean," he fixed himself, "I've got to get you to the training room." 

together, we walked through the corridors as several people would greet Newt. I assumed he was higher on the social hierarchy and well-liked. Headmaster greeted Newt and I as soon as Newt opened the door for me. 

"perfect timing Newt." he applauded him, "you may leave for your class."
"I-I'll see you in the dining hall." he mentioned before he left in a hurry. 

"I'm glad you've gotten the uniform."
"uh—yes, it wasn't that difficult."
"splendid! I guess Newt's been a great ambassador thus far?" 

I nodded in response to his question asked. 

"let's get started!" Headmaster said joyfully, "alright, you don't know what your supernaturality is, right?" 

I shook my head. 

"I could normally tell you from your bloodwork, but you're an o-negative and it's quite rare. so, I'll just leave the room, you stay there." 

he directed. as soon as he closed the door ten men in black uniforms appeared out of nowhere. it was this moment where I had no faith in myself and thought that my life was about to end.

in the blink of a moment, I didn't realize the collectivity of everything until I stood as the only one unharmed.
I essentially required a relapse on everything that happened in the vicinity of the last three minutes. 

"Brilliant timing, my dear." Headmaster congratulated me as he came into the room. "I've assessed your impeccable skills and you've seemed to inherit the invisibility and a duplicate of Newt's?" he said as if it was still questionable, "I'll still need further testing for you." 

"I-I'm sorry?" I asked confused.
"Cherry!" he called before a girl had appeared into the room. 

"yes Headmaster?"
"this may sound a bit weird, however—"
"after learning you're a supernatural, nothing can get weirder."
"can you just lock hands with Nora." 

she did as Headmaster asked and as I felt with Newt, a shock of energy flowed through my hands. 

"thank you, Cherry. that would be all." Headmaster swiftly dismissed her from the room. 

"did you feel anything different?"
"I—uh felt a small surge of energy flow from her to me." 

I was inattentive as Headmaster astonishingly threw something in my direction. I didn't have a chance to think about what I was supposed to do. 

"intriguing," he spoke out-loud, "Nora, you may have been the first person to inherit this unusual ability."
"pardon?" I asked unsure of what to think.
"you'll definitely be test more often because of this rare ability."
"what do I have?"
"you seem to replicate others' supers."

"is this ordinarily found in other supernaturals? how rare is this supernaturality?" I asked curiously.
"I—I don't have all the answers yet. which is why I'll need to test your further." 

I bit my lip as I nodded confused. 

"the only thing I've discover thus far is, you replicate the supers of others but if you take on a different one, you'll have your other one replaced, think of it as a copying something. so far, you're the first supernatural in the history to have this supernaturality." he paused, "alright then, if that's settled you may head to the dining hall." 

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