Chapter 3

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Luke pov

I wake up with Reggie still in my arms and my hand still in his hair, so i start playing with his hair again. After a while I thought:

"sh!t we have school today." I look at the clock and its 8 am and school starts at 8.30 am.

"Reggie?" I whisper.  He opens his eyes slowly.

"What?" he asked with his morning voice.

"we have school in 30minutes, we need to get up."

"sh!t we are gonna be late!" he said.

I gave Reggie some of my clothes but the ones with sleeves, and i put something on without sleeves. As soon as we have our clothes on, we take a apple and get in my car. I drive as fast as i can to Alex to pick him up, and when we arrive we already see a anxious Alex standing on the street.

"Wow guys you are so early today." Alex said.

"wait really?" Reggie asked still tired.

"No you dork, we have 10minutes!" He said while he jumps in the car.

When we arrive at school we only have 1 minute left. Lucky we already have our books for English.

We see the classroom at the and of the hallway, we start running when we hear the bell.
As we arrive by the classroom from Mr. Heart, he closed the door.

"Mr. Heart, please can we go in." Alex asked.

"No go to the principal, to late is to late." He said.

We walk to the principal when Reggie said: "Wow Mr. Heart doesnt have a big heart today."

We all laughed as we arrive by the principal office. Alex knocked on the door.

"Come in."

So we walked inside.

"So what did you guys do this time?" She said annoyed.

"Well I forgot my book so i asked Mr Heart to get it, he said yes so i walked outside to get my bo-" I lied. But I got cut off by the Principal.

"I dont want to hear those exuses, just go." She said. So we walked out.

"How? What?" Alex said confused.

"It isnt that hard if you almost everyday need to go to the principal." I said while laughing with guys.

"So should we just skip English?" Reggie asked.

"No i dont, Im gonna get in big trouble with my parents." Alex said.

"But if you go back and we dont, just say to Mr. Heart that we got detention and you dont." I say.

"yeah okay"

Reggie pov

"So Im not really in the mood to do anything, should we just go to th roof and stare outside?" I ask.

"yeah of course." Luke answerd.

We walk outside to find the ladder we always hide here. When we found it we got up the roof. We just sat there next to each other for some minutes. But then i layed my head on Luke his shoulder. I felt Luke looking at me, but he didnt do anything about it. I yawn.

"If you wanna sleep you can do it, I will wake you up if the next class start." Luke said. So I fell asleep with my head on Luke his shoulder.

I wake up from Alex and Luke talking. Im really confused because when i was awake, Alex wasnt on the roof.

"Hey the sleeping beauty is awake." Alex joked.

"Why are you here, I thought you didnt want to skip class?" I say.

"Reggie we have lunch break now, and i didnt saw you 2 in the cafeteria and Bobby is sick home, I thought that you could be up here. And i was right." Alex said.

The bell rings and we all went to our classes. Alex and I to Chemistery, and Luke to math.

When I sat down next to Alex the lesson immidiatly started. Mrs. Smith was our teacher.

"Okay Welcome to this lesson." She said.

"Have you guys seen something today that has to do with Chemistry?" Some students answerd her question. Alex put a note on my table

I did

I look at him with a confused look on my face. When a smirk starts to come on Alex his face. I wrote back.

I did
Why are you laughing and what?

I gave the note back to Alex. As he wrote again.

I did
Why are you laughing and what?
You and Luke, you guys ooze chemistery

I start to blush a bit. Did Alex know that I have a crush on Luke? I didnt answerd the note anymore and start to pay attention on lesson. Actually i didnt, I can never concentrate, but i tried.

No one pov

After the guys their lessons they all came to Luke his locker. The school day had come to a end. They talked a bit while walking to Luke his car. When they arrived they saw the back window from Lukes car open. Reggie just jumped through the open window and unlocked Luke his car.

"This is fun." Reggie said what made all of the boys laugh. They drove to Bobby his garage, thats where they practise. Because Bobby was sick they just hanged out there.

After a while was it 6pm.

"I should go, dinner is ready." Alex said as he walked out of the studio.

"Yeah me too." Luke said.

"Are you going home or are you going with me?" He asked.

"I go home." Reggie said as he walked out of the studio. When Luke was out of Reggie his sight, Reggie walked back in the studio, and made from the couch a bed.

yeah i dont really know what to say here, but i just wanted to place something from me underneath the chapter lol

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