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Clay. Pov

I open my eyes to see standing in the air, i look around to see only a endless black void around, if this is the afterlife i'm very disappointed, i wait for couple minute to see if something happend, then a ball of light begin to glow bright, before a figure show up infront of me.

??? :"hello there clay"

Clay :"hello"

???  :"do you know who i'am"

Clay :" judging by this place guess i'm in the afterlife because i'm dead, and i know for sure you're not a angel or a reaper, you don't look like either of them, so i guess you're a god "

God :" a very smart answer, you're answer are correct, now if you don't mind me asking this, why do you look so calm when facing me"

Clay :"for me god its just work but a very hard one"

God :"and for the final question, do you think god can make a mistake"

Clay :"yes they can, everyone always make a mistake no matter how smart, powerfull, or wise they are"

God :"a very smart answer, you  are very wise and smart person"

Clay :" thank you"

God :"now lets move on to important thing, you see clay you're life time is still longer than you think, i can just revive you of course but you're death is impossible to escape, now because of that i will revive you in Another world with a power call, the gamer"

Clay :" the gamer ? " ask clay

God :"  The gamer Ability is a power were people live their life like a video game, such as killing monster, have magical Ability, when you eat every wound of you is heal,  and much more, so clay do you accepted to be reborn in Another world"

There was a silent moment before i reply.

Clay :" i accept"

God " alright, now before i send you into Another world i need you to do something,  catch"

They throw a small object toward i catch and slowly open my palm to see a blue dice.

Clay :" a dice"

God :" Correct, this dice will let decide you're stat number if land on 1 you're very unluck and if it land above 3 you're very luck"

I nod and breath, i throw the dice on the ground and it begin to spin, it keep getting faster and faster, but then i start slowing down when it stop completly the dice landed on 5.

God :" congrats clay, you're stat will be advance now, oh also you when i sent you into the new world you will possessed someone else body"

with that god snap his finger and a portal appear next to us.

God :" that should take you to the destination, good luck clay"

I nod and begin to enter the portal, when i enter it a bright suddenly flash my eyes and everything went dark again..........

I slowly open my eyes to see many people during different thing, some were fighting, gambling or just drinking.

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