14- The Beach

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bois it's time to go

why so early hyung?

Do y'all wanna go catch crabs or not?

ngl that sounds kinda rad

if jonathans going then i guess ill go

how about the rest of you?

i think everyone is still asleep

well then I guess all of you are coming with me
even you jeno
i can see you reading our messages

dammit I thought I was being sneaky

sorry nono you're just not as stealthy as me and renjun

oh great
you guys can come too


do you guys think taeil and jaehyun are up for it?

no he's still depressed
and i have to go give him a bath

whipped culture

feel free to join us then

you guys talking about me?

no we just wanted to know if you wanna go down to the beach with us

okay i'll go.

but I was gonna give you a bath

you can give me a bath after I get salty

what does that mean

After I go in the ocean?
what else could it mean?

Idk theres alot of interesting stuff on the internet
Remember what jungwoo caught chenle and jisung doing?

last time i ever agree to a game with chenle

but it was fun
I liked it 👉👈







we'll get back to that later
get your asses down here before i leave you
I know most of you don't know how to get there.

read by markles and 20 others


"See? Isn't this nic-" Taeyong paused mid sentence, leaving an exaggerated sigh to come out of his mouth.
"Of course, you guys have to fight everywhere" Taeyong shook his head.

"Oi stop hitting me" Johnny raised his hands to block the sand being thrown at him by Doyoung. Doyoung then ran off with a couple people chasing after him.

"Hey Tae-" Doyoung was pushed into a rock, scraping most of his limbs.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry Doyoung, I ran too far forward" Mark reached down to help him up.
"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's okay Mark, I know it was an accident"

"Let me help you clean it up" Mark offered, but was stopped by Taeyong.
"I'll do it, he's my boy- uh bestfriend"
A small frown appeared on Doyoung's face "No I'll have Mark help me"

"What?" Taeyong seemed a little shocked that Doyoung refused his assistance.

"Mark, let's go" Doyoung pulled Mark towards the small gazebo they had set up.

"Uhm, I dont have any water bottles left, I'll have to use seawater, is that okay?"

"As long as I can keep my legs"

Mark nodded, picking up a small bucket and walking towards the ocean.

"It's gonna sting..a lot okay?"

"Just get on with it, you're making me anxious"

Mark poured the water on his legs quickly, as to not cause any more pain than he should.

A small groan of pain came from Doyoung. "I know, I'm sorry" Mark said, grabbing a bandage and wrapping it around one of Doyoung's wounds.

Finishing up the dressing on his wounds, Mark let out a small sigh of relief. "Feel any better?"

"Yeah, but I think I'll just stay here for a bit" Doyoung flashed a small smile.


"You alright John?" Haechan sat down next to Johnny, handing him a water bottle.

Johnny remained silent, taking the waterbottle and placing it in his cupholder.

"He's fine, just jealous is all" Ten stated, earning a grunt from the latter.

"Ain't nothing to be jealous of, he's just being nice" Haechan commented.

"I'm not jealous" Johnny moved his attention from the pair under the gazebo to the ocean.

"And I'm Mew Suppasit" Yuta chimed in, flopping down next to Haechan.

Johnny rolled his eyes and stood up "I'm gonna go swimming"


so, quick question,

hypothetically if i were to start an apocolypse story after this one is finished would y'all be interested?

not saying this one will be finishing anytime soon, but just in case i run out of ideas for stories.

not saying this one will be finishing anytime soon, but just in case i run out of ideas for stories

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