28- The Expose

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"Go tell everyone to meet us in the livingroom" Jisung pushed Chenle and Taeil towards the stairs.

"Do you know how long that's going to take?" Chenle complained.

"It's going to take longer if you keep wasting time" Jisung countered, giving him a peck on the cheek and sending him on his way.

Chenle giggled, rushing upstairs to start knocking on doors.

"Ugh, do you have to be so lovey-dovey?" Jaehyun asked.

"You're just jealous that I actually have a boyfriend, and you are stuck in the friendzone"

"Pfft- I'm not in the friendzone"
Jisung gave him a pitiful look.
"Am I?"

"Have you kissed him?"


"Anywhere besides the cheek?"

"His forehead..once"

"Dude you are so deep in the f-zone I don't think we could pull you out"

"Don't refer to it as the "f-zone" please"

"I think I should interfere with this "relationship" of yours"

"I don't think you could make it any worse so please, go ahead"

"Alright, let's make a plan after this meeting"


Lucas groggily sat his head up, being startled by pounding on your door isn't the best way to wake up.

Dragging his way across the floor, he opened the door, finding a serious looking Taeil.

"Why in Satan's anus are you waking us up at seven a.m.?" Lucas growled.

"Uhm, its five p.m." Taeil corrected.

Lucas kept his tired gaze, blinking slowly.

"Jaehyun and Jisung want all of us to meet in the livingroom"

Lucas waited a few seconds before shutting the door quietly, trying not to wake Jungwoo up.

"Baby? Who was it?" Jungwoo asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Just Taeil, he said that we need to meet in the livingroom"

"I guess we should go then"

"No, more cuddles"

Lucas sighed, he couldn't resist.


Chenle knocked on the door, hearing some sounds that could only be described as laser guns and screams of agony.

The door opened, revealing a distressed Mark and a excited Johnny.

"What's up Chen?"

"Okay, number one, don't call me Chen. Number two, I need you to come with me" Chenle hooked his arm with Johnny's, starting to walk away but was stopped by Mark.

"Where are you guys going?"

"Just to the livingroom, you don't need to come with us"

"Oh, okay" Mark shrugged, going back to the videogame.


After spending around an hour collecting their friends, the four boys started their meeting.

"Okay, so we've called you here because we have important information" Jaehyun announced.

"Hey, where's Taeyong?" Jisung asked.

"I tried to get him to come but his door was locked and he didn't answer my texts" Chenle whispered.

"Okay well, let's just recap for him later"

"Basically, Mark threatened me"

A few gasps were heard among the crowd.

"Jisung tell the whole story" Taeil motioned for him to go on.

Jisung began to tell his entire side of the story, a lot of shocked faces were seen, especially from Jungwoo.

yo theyre talking about you
and Jisung
click to see video attachment

it seems they know
ill begin preparations


"Would you mind getting off your phones?" Jaehyun asked.

"Yeah, sorry" both Jeno and Yuta put their phones away.

"Hey, are you guys cool with ramen for dinner?"

i may or may not have forgotten to tell you that i took my break yesterday

it snowed and i realized i didn't take it yet so i made a snow tower with my sister

ok, i gotta go work on a request

ok, i gotta go work on a request

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