34 - The Escape

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Jeno watched Mark carefully, making sure he was fully asleep before attempting to break the rope.

A bad choice on Jeno's side, it was eerily quiet and the ripping noises the rope made seemed a thousand times louder.

Jeno held his breath as Mark tossed and turned on the couch, breathing a sigh of relief when he stopped.

A final tug and the rope snapped, setting Jeno free.

Jeno gasped quietly, rejoicing in his newly found freedom. He stood up carefully, stepping around his friends and making his way to the door.

He opened the door softly, stepping outside into the dark night.

Jeno checked his pockets, finding that Mark hadn't taken it yet.

He quickly typed the emergency service number and called it, but received a dial tone instead.

"Fuck, seriously?" Jeno mumbled, seeing his service bar, which had a small X in the corner.

Jeno paced around the lawn, thinking of a way to get his service back.

He tried calling the number again, this time an operator picked up.

"Hello, nine-one-one what's your emergency?" A female voice asked on the other side of the line.

"Uhm, okay how do I explain this?"

"Sir if it's not a real emergency then you can be arrest-"

"No! It's an emergency, my friends, they're tied up in the livingroom and Mark is going to kill us"

"Alright sir, where is your location?"

"I don't know the actual name of the island, but my friends called it the Haven"

"Okay, I'm sending law enforcement to your location now. Please be advised, it might take up to forty-eight hours"

"That's not enough- Nevermind, thank you so much"

"You're welcome sir"

The operator hung up the phone, leaving Jeno in silence once again.

All he had to do was hide until the police came and then they could go back to their normal lives. Maybe.

Jeno had started thinking of a hiding place as soon as the call ended. The house was definitely a no, so it had to be somewhere outside.

He started wandering towards the beach, trying to find an outhouse or something that could shelter him for a day or two.

Soon, he stumbled upon a small handmade shelter, it was broken down and there seemed to be a few possums hanging around it, but it was better than being murdered.

Jeno sat down on a small pile of leaves, trying to make himself comfortable.

"I need to go back and save them" Jeno stated to no one I'm particular.


Mark shuffled around, unable to find a comfortable sleeping position. He sat up, squinting his eyes to see all eleven boys, fast asleep. Wait. There were twelve before. Who's missing?

Mark thought a moment, recalling everyone in his head.

"He escaped.."



do you think i should do regular zombies or something else for the apocolypse thingy?

i personally have been watching a lot of zombie movies lately
and i got a lot of ideas

mostly about where the apocalypse would come from


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