26- The Backstory

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"So, did you make a decision?" Jaemin asked, scaring the hell out out of Winwin.

"A decision? About what?"

"About Yuta"

"I still don't know.."

"Not trying to rush you, but Yuta seems to be getting more antsy by the minute"

"I know, it must be kinda nerve wracking to not hear from your crush whether they like you back or not"

"You wouldn't believe the absolute terror I had to deal with when I told Renjun and Jeno I liked them"

"What happened?"

Jaemin slipped the last note into Jeno's locker, hoping no one had seen him.

Quickly walking up the stairs, Jaemin pushed open the doors to the roof, stepping out onto the smoldering pavement.

A few minutes later, Jaemin was getting restless, constantly checking the time every two seconds. Jeno and Renjun should've been on the roof by now.

Jaemin was too engrossed in his phone to notice Renjun, who was standing in front of him.

"Why'd you want to meet up here? I thought the whole group was gonna go to that arcade across from-"

"I like you" Jaemin turned his attention to the ground, offering Renjun one of the roses he had.

Renjun bit his lip, trying not to smile too much.

"I like you too" Renjun giggled.

Jaemin smiled sheepishly, scratching the side of his head. "It's uhm, a bit more complicated than you think"

As if on cue, Jeno walked out onto the roof, holding the note that Jaemin left in his locker.

"What's all this about?" Jeno asked, gesturing towards Renjun who was still holding the rose.

Jaemin walked over to Jeno, holding out the other rose to him.
"Jeno, I like you"

Jeno took the rose, a small smile on his face. Renjun on the other hand, was extremely confused.

Jaemin grabbed both the boys's hands, bringing them together with his own.

"I like both of you" Jaemin hung his head, unsure of what they would say.

After a minute, Jaemin started panicking from the lack of sounds, not only from Renjun and Jeno, but around him too, it seemed like the entire world was focusing on them.

Jeno and Renjun just stared at eachother, it seemed they were telepathically communicating.

"Okay" Jaemin lifted his head up, being met with the familiar, butterfly inducing eye smile that Jeno had.

"Renjun?" Jaemin looked hopefully at Renjun, who seemed to be weighing decisions on his shoulders.

Renjun POV
listen jun, you could either be the biggest asshole in the history of the world and let this "jeno" character snatch ya mans, or you could attempt to share Jaemin and live sorta happily.

time to make the most obvious choice.

3rd POV
"As long as this asshole doesn't have you to himself, I'm fine with it" Renjun eyed Jeno.

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