1.6K 36 27

stella pov


i woke up to the sound of angry drivers outside my window and an unfamiliar smell filling my nose. i smiled, remembering i was in houston. i had a whole new life ahead of me. actually no i don't like that it's kinda scary.

i was about to turn over and pick up my phone, but then i remembered store boy... again. i'd decided just before i went to sleep, i was definitely going back. i just needed to decide what i "needed" to buy. i giggled softly and snuggled my pillow. back home all of the boys were disgusting, maybe houston could be the place i meet the loml?

please who am i kidding they're probably all gremlins who haven't showered since 6th grade. anyways..

i took a cold shower to try and wake myself up and got dressed. i still had 4 days until the moving van came, so i decided to do a morning stream to take my mind off all of the stress.


stella || stellawavess
morning stream today- feeling tired, houston is way louder than it needs to be.
bedwars pro at it again
stella || stellawavess
ofc, don't talk to me i'm too famous

you're a girl i could easily beat you
taking offense for all female bedwars streamers
any askers?
never say that again lol 😐

the timezone gods have answered my prayers
this right here AKJXZIHSASD please

//timeskip to end of streamm

"thank you for coming guys, probably another early stream tomorrow, i have nothing else to do until moving van comes so lucky you i guess. also, thank you so so much ! (a/n *cringes at the !*) we hit a new view count today, 10k pog? clearly i was just meant to move to houston. cute boys and breaking points for stream? couldn't get better"
i laughed. turns out moving must have been the right decision after all. i said my final goodbyes to chat and raided a smaller female streamer. she started crying, so i left a nice message in chat for her.

i went to the kitchen and realised that i'd forgotten to get any coffee. stream had left me feeling a bit drained, and i'd used up all my remaining adrenaline being a beast at bedwars, what can i say.

so i'd have to go to the store... there's no way this isn't a setup. i walked down the highstreet listening to my goodmorning world playlist and turned into the store. i glanced over at the tills to check if store boy was on his shift. i flicked my head back around and smiled. he was there.

i hurried to find the coffee beans and grabbed a starbucks cold caramel frappuccino from the fridge aisle on the way through. i went as fast as i could; i didn't want to miss him and i didn't know when his shift ended.

i was speedrunning shopping...

i got to the till and pulled out my card. i was just about to give up hope, when he started speaking to me.

"you were here yesterday no?"

i smiled. he remembered me :)

"yeah, i just moved here so it's all a bit new. forgot coffee."

"oh that's cool where you staying?"

"like 10 mins down the road and a left, somewhere on that road."

"XXXXXX street? no way!"

"oh wait yeah i think that's what it's called"

my voice was so monotonous. even at the age of 13 i couldn't have flirted any better. not that i did flirt... social anxiety and that *does peace signs*

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