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stella pov
i woke up confused. i didn't remember how or why, but i was on the couch, freezing. i checked my phone to see that it was 6am. why was i awake at 6? how late had i gone to bed? i picked up the blanket that was on the floor and wrapped it around me, then tried to work out why i was here.

i vaguely remembered going somewhere in the car, but i couldn't remember where or why.

holy hecc, i must have been tired as shit...

i decided to get some more sleep, since it was 6am and i didn't have anything special planned for today. it was about 15 minutes before i worked out why i couldn't get back to sleep- i didn't have my pillow.

i rolled off the couch and rolled across the floor of my house until i got to the bottom of the stairs. i then sat down on the bottom one and started scooching backwards up them on my ass, one at a time. when i finally got to my room and grabbed my pillow, i held it close as a wave of fatigue hit me and i passed out on the hardwood floor.


i woke up with a pain in my neck, wondering why until i realised i was on the floor. im gonna need a chiropractor after this, got scoliosis and shit now.

i opened twitter to check if i'd missed any big announcements overnight only to see that my dm requests had gone up by miles. was i being cancelled?

user73 would like to send you a message

hey stella, i just wanted to check you're okay since you didn't stream, i was getting worried about you <3


hey! yeah i'm okay, thank you so
much for asking it means a lot.
im actually not sure what happened
i don't remember much of yesterday
so i must have been pretty tired.
will for sure do a long stream tonight <3

i didn't want to worry any of my supporters, so i messaged a couple of them back. i also tweeted out about my schedule fuck up and let them all know i was streaming tonight. hopefully i made them smile- i know i would if the people i watched replied to my message. i remembered dming stampycat on twitter all the time when i was little. he messaged me back one time, and even though it was just "hey buddy" it made my day week month and year.

i spent most of the morning just doing chores around my house, trying to work out how to use the new dishwasher and moving the last few bits of furniture around. i decided i didn't like how i'd set up the living room, so i changed the couch layout and moved the coffee table to fit.

i spent the rest of the day editing a video for my youtube. i'd decided to start a minecraft server with just me on it instead of a world, since i had high hopes that i'd find someone to stream with soon. so far i had made a plan for my house and the start of a wheat farm. it's still early days but we're getting there.


it was about 5pm before i uploaded the video. i didn't really have an upload schedule so i had time to make sure it was all perfect. besides, it was a new idea, so it needed to be a good video if i wanted to get any views.

after the video had uploaded, i opened streamlabs. i had an hour to kill before stream started. i was thinking of things to do when i realised i hadn't changed my stream overlay in absolutely forever, & i was starting to grow out of it now.

i spent a few minutes making a new profile picture and then the rest of the hour making an overlay. my two main colours were gold and a forest green. my profile picture was a green background with a gold circle border and a gold cassiopeia constellation in the middle. that's my favourite one.

now, im not sure why i started thinking about the stars, but i haven't seen them since i moved to houston. i missed them, that's true, so it might be an explanation for why i was thinking of them.

since my profile picture covered the stellar part of my name, i made sure to incorporate waves in my starting soon and my webcam box. it was minimalistic, that's for sure, but i think it's classy idk.

the time came around where i had to start stream. i looked in the chat to see if they approved of the new makeover, and from what i could tell they did.

it was around 40 minutes into the stream when i got a tts dono from "Sapnap".

sapnap has donated $50.00 !
thank you <3
you look pretty today :)

i didn't say anything. i hated comments on my appearance, and i thought i'd made that clear to my fans. i spent a couple seconds deciding whether to address it or not, and decided it would be a good idea if i did.

"ohhhkay so." i switched my layout. "just quickly, was pretty sure i'd said this before, but maybe i haven't. i'll say it again though for any new fans or in case i haven't in general, uh. how do i say this? okay, so i really don't like comments about my appearance? yeah so if you could like, not bring that up in any donos or dms or tweets or whatever it is you guys use, i would really appreciate that. don't get me wrong, i'm so so thankful for he compliments ,it's just it doesn't make me very comfortable."

i switched back to the minecraft stream and carried on building my house. a series of donos came through periodically, saying things like "do you not remember?". i ignored them, hoping this kid would learn when to take a hint.

sapnap has donated $5.00 !
thank you <3
stella it's me hahaha

"the fuck?" i said under my breath. "i'm really sorry dude but i, seriously have no clue who you are..." i said slowly, half distracted by telling my mods to ban him from my chat temporarily. it was getting creepy at this point.

sapnap has donated $5.00 !
thank you <3

"wh-" only one person has ever called me that, and that's nick from down the street. then it realised he'd never told me his twitch name. i opened up twitch.tv/sapnap on my second monitor, and sure enough i was following him.

the nickname star seemed to spark something, and then it hit me like a wave. the past 24 hours had finally rendered in into my head. i remembered everything. from lying in the field, to the smell of his jumper, to his soft humming of my favourite song in the car that helped me fall asleep.

i opened my phone to text him, but all my home screen was was notifications from him.

'snickers🍫 is typing...'
'from snickers🍫'
'[nickarmstrong01] dude it's me chill'
'STELLA call me on discord when you're done'

after stream had ended, i called him on discord like he had said to, but for some reason i didn't expect him to actually pick up.



i'll stop shouting now

anywaysssss yesh i thought this was funny maybe it's not if not then... f i guess

sounds like a me problem though so you got nothing to worry about.

already know what's gonna happen in the next one so if it's not out tomorrow you have full permission to shout at me


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