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It was a particularly bright summer day. The sun was gleaming all of its glory down to an airport in Japan, there was a crowd of people emerging from the plane. Many of them were tourists. However one of them particularly stood out from the rest.

A rosewood haired girl who looked around five-ish with one distinguishing ponytail took a massive leap from the airport. Her action figure of the titular hero from the hit TV show and comic book, Goldeye was protruding from an open gap on the zip of her backpack. The girl stopped for a moment and waited for her parents to come out with their luggage. The girl smiled in joy and continued on skipping around. 

After their arrival, the family of three settled into Hiroshima, one of Japan's main cities for tourist attractions, the red haired girl played around with her Goldeye action figure.

"Geez Ruby, you love to play with that toy don't you?" Her mom sighed.

"He's not a toy! Goldeye's my partner and we're fighting crime together!" Ruby stuck her tongue out and continued to play around.

"That girl..." Her mom crossed her arms.

"No need to be like that Mona." Her dad appeared from the side with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. "It's Ruby, she has watched Goldeye since she was a tot."

"Pfft, you were the one introduced that show to her. Seriously Arthur, that show is for boys! I'm very concerned that Ruby won't grow up as a proper lady." The so-called Mona got up and brew a cup of coffee.

"Mona..." Arthur chuckled, he stared at Ruby playing with her Goldeye while the TV was showing another episode of Goldeye where the titular hero was saving many citizens from a burning building.

"Remember kids, always fight for your wonder!" Goldeye winked as he said his catchphrase.

Ruby smiled and repeated after him. Her mother sighed and walked off to the kitchen.

"Hey Rub. I think it's time for bed."


"If you don't go to bed, then it won't be so heroic like Goldeye would say. Wouldn't it?"

Ruby thought deeply when her father said that, she wanted to be a hero like Goldeye was, after a moment Ruby responded with a nod.

"Hmm... alright!" Ruby cheered, she picked up her Goldeye and hopped to her bedroom. Once she got to her bedroom, she jumped to her bed and pulled the sheets over her and Goldeye. Her father met up with her and sat by the edge of the bed.

Time skip to a few years later~

A few years had passed since Ruby and her parents have moved to Japan. Ruby herself was now a bit older and probably about start her first year of elementary school. Today was a particularly snowy day in Hiroshima. People were just passing by as usual and some children were out to play in the snow. Ruby stared at those people through the windows and her eyes gleamed. Her mother noticed Ruby from the distance with her coffee cup and sighed.

"Look Ruby, if you want to go outside then go. Besides it will be a nice chance of meeting new friends." Her mom placed her cup down. 

"Really?" Ruby turned around. "Ok but I need to get Goldeye first!" Ruby pranced around the house, she then tripped making her mother worried.

"R-Ruby! Are you alright?!" She rushed to Ruby's side. Ruby, however, didn't cry instead she simply brushed her pain aside and continued to look for her action figure. Her mother only shook her head in disbelief and waited near the front door. 

When Ruby got to her bedroom, she immediately saw Goldeye and picked him up. She herself slowly got up and went to the front door as if nothing happened.

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